Shown below via robdtoys is an in-hand look at the Plunderstrong Captain BlacJak Figure from Lone Coconut. You can purchase this figure from our sponsor with suggested retail price of $69.99.
Rusty looks cool. He's got a real Steampunk vibe to him.
Rusty, the Plunderlong Tinker, is absolutely certain that the Plunderfolk are on the cusp of a great mechanical revolution. This engineer cut his teeth working the docks of the bustling dock-city, The Big Anchor, but his restless mind is always coming up with insane solutions to impossible engineering problems. If you have repairs that no other mechanic will touch, Rusty is your guy. Just make sure you carry enough shinies to pay up. His fees are high to cover his costly research into experimental machine-making. And if you try to bargain with his genius, he'll have no problem giving you a good wack with his massive monkey wrench! Something which he also does regularly to get his inventions working. You can pre-order this figure from our sponsor
They might be "tight" and all...
Have to pass.......Enjoy ;^)
The Cursed Naufrag is a parasitic nautilus, that happened upon an unfortunate Plunderstrong sinking into the oceans abyss. As a small shellfish it once had the terrifying experience of being caught in a fishing net, and since then has vowed to make the landlubbers suffer. Seizing the opportunity the Naufrag attached itself to the drowning deckhand, taking over his mind and transforming his body into a crab-clawed abomination. It now plans to make the most of its host, terrorizing Plunderfolk and causing chaos to those who dare sail near its waters. Called The Blue Barnacle (a name which he despises) the Napoleonic Naufrags maniacal ego has made him a threat to all who stand in its way to nautical domination! You can pre-order this figure from our sponsor
I'm really digging Captain Ojoe.