ToyFarce News: From Top Shelf To Bottom Shelf - The Tragic Story Of A Collector Who Had To Move Figures Down In A Detolf

by ToyFarce
June 13, 2022

An unfortunate event happened to Nicolas, a collector of various action figure lines, over the weekend. After several years of having the same action figures displayed on the top shelf inside a Detolf glass cabinet, Nicolas had to re-think his display, and move said figures to the bottom shelf. A recount of events by ToyFarce. Viewers discrection is advised.

It was Saturday morning, and Nicolas took a look at his toy collection, as he does everyday. Today felt different. The newer action figures had been piling up with no place to display them. A change was needed. On the top shelf of one of his glass cabinet laid the entire DC Direct Arrow-verse line of figures, with characters from the CW shows Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow,... Those figures had been on the top shelf for far too long. The shows had stopped being good for a while, and there will not be any new figure coming for that shelf. It was time.


After carefully dusting the figures one by one, moving the acrylic steps and background display, the time had come for those figures to be displayed on the bottom shelf. There is an unwritten rule about how you display things in a Detolf, with the things that you 'prefer' at the top, and the things that you appreciate less at the bottom. "I'll still appreciate them as much if they are at the bottom", he tried to convince himself, "I'll appreciate each shelf equally!" (he wouldn't). Now, with more space available for newer figures at the top, his eyes would be looking mostly at the top shelves. The content of the bottom shelves, slowly forgotten... until it's time for the bin.


More news at 11:00... I should get another Detolf.
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
ghostbogey - 2022-06-14 @ 9:54 am

I hate dust!!!! ;^)

deecee4 - 2022-06-13 @ 6:24 pm

I loled at "Figures I ran out of space for". That's exactly what i do...thats also where figures i get as gifts (they're cool but not something I'd actually buy for myself) reside.

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