Super7 Ultimates! Thundertanks have started to arrive and with them come the
inevitable arguments that one can have with a significant other: "
Where are we going to put this? We don't have any space! How much did it cost?", etc... To save you some trouble,
ToyFarce sat down with a
camouflage expert to come with a few solutions, where you can keep your
Thundertank hidden in plain sight!
An easy solution would be to dissimulate your
Super7 Ultimates! Thundertank by pretending that it is a new
lawn mower. For that, you will only need to do one trip to the hardware store and buy a
lawn mower upper handle part. Then, you'll just have to walk around your yard with your
Thundertank, as if you are pushing a regular lawn mower. If there are some suspicions about the fact that it is not cutting grass, just say that there must be something wrong with the blades, and that you'll take care of it!
You said the same thing about the previous one and never did either, anyway!

If you do not want to have dirt or grass on your
Super7 Ultimates! Thundertank, you can always stay indoors with it, and pretend it's a
vacuum cleaner. You'll just need a
hose pipe, the telescopic metal tube and a brush at the end of it. Don't forget to also play a video called "
Vacuum cleaner sounds" on
Youtube while you're at it. If you forget, you can always imitate the sound
with your mouth, or say that it's a
really silent one. Speaking of vacuuming...

If you do not want to actually have a
chore to do everytime you want to interact with your
Thundertank, you can also just customize it and turn it into a
robot vacuum cleaner, a
Thundertank Roomba! It's really simple: Just grab your
Super7 Ultimates! Thundertank and turn it upside down. Carve a circle the size of a
roomba under it, so that you can '
dock' the roomba in there. Your
Thundertank will then peacefully cruise through your home, cleaning it while looking awesome!

What other clever ideas would you have to dissimulate a
Super7 Ultimates! Thundertank? Let us know in the comments! The best answers will appear in a 'Part 2' of this article!
More news at 11:00...
THUNDERCATS *HVROOOOOOOO* (vacuum cleaner sound)
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!
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