iT noT wEdnEsdAy, anD yOu doN't knoW whAt tHat mEanS:
ToyFarce rEvieW!
tHis weEk, wE noT hAviNg a looK aT tHe
DC Multiverse Bizarro and Batzarro tWo-paCk bY
McFarlane Toys! tHosE figUres noT iNspiRed by thE
Ed McGuiness dEsiGns frOm tHe
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies rUn, nOt wriTteN bY
Jeph Loeb. FiguRes loOk verY teRriBle, anD wE noT happY wiTh tHem! alSo,
Amazon Exclusive DC Gold Label Parallax (Zero Hour: Crisis in Time) wHo dOesN't gLow iN tHe dArk! (
I think I'll stop here with the Bizarro talk...)
Bizarro and
Batzarro come with an
extra set of hands each (
closed fists),
Bizarro has his
Bizarro #1 medal, there's also a big 'environmental'
base and the usual
trading cards. Both figures look like they were taken
right out of the
comic book. The head sculpts are amazing. It's clear that
McFarlane Toys re-used the bodies of
The Dark Knight Returns figures and just changed the heads, but the proportions just work so well with those. Sure, there's the
Batman logo that can still be seen under the upside down
Batzarro logo, which is a bit sloppy, but it still kinda works with him. His belt is also upside down, and the pouches are empty. They're
big dumb fun figures of
big dumb fun characters.
Staying on the subject of
McFarlane Toys, the
Amazon Exclusive DC Gold Label Parallax (Zero Hour: Crisis in Time) Glow in the Dark Edition is also a great figure. The previous
DC Multiverse Parallax figure didn't do it for me (
wrong hair color, suit a bit too dark), but this one was just to good to pass on. Plus, it glows in the dark, which is always a fun feature! The green semi-translucent glow-in-the-dark plastic gives it the perfect color. The cape also looks awesome. Parallax comes with a Green Lantern power battery, 2 energy effects, a trading card with a stand, and a base with the Green Lantern logo on it. The figure also looks great in the dark, with all the green parts glowing. Another great release!
More news at 11:00...
it nEveR niCe tO haVe gReaT lOokiNg fiGurEs!
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