ToyFarce News: Collector Keeps Track of What Season We're In Only Using Target Geek-Out Events?!

by ToyFarce
August 30, 2024

While most people rely on calendars or weather patterns to keep track of the changing seasons, toy collector Dave from New Jersey has found a more collectible-friendly approach: by monitoring the Target Geek-Out toy events! ToyFarce investigated...

"Why bother with a calendar when Target could do all the work for me?" asked Dave. "It's like a personal notification system, but with exclusive action figures!" The idea first came to him during a foggy evening last year. Dave had just finished re-organizing his Star Wars the Black Series shelf, when he realized he had no idea what month it was. "I had been so wrapped up in sorting out my multiple Black Series Boba Fett releases that I totally lost track of time. That's when it hit me - Target's Geek Out events are the perfect seasonal indicators!"

According to Dave's system, Spring season is signaled by the first sight of Marvel Legends and NECA exclusives on shelves, and Summer officially starts with the launch of Target's Summer Geek-Out event. Fall rolls in a few months later with Halloween-themed figures and Target's Fall Geek Out, and then comes Winter, when holiday-themed figures starts to appear. The system has proven to be foolproof for Dave, who is planning to update it by adding big toy conventions (San Diego Comic Con, Toy Fair, etc...) as key dates in his calendar.

More news at 11:00... "The seasons might change, but my love for action figures and collectibles never does!"
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
ucsf - 2024-08-30 @ 6:29 pm

They should offer season themed apparel, like raincoats or baseball caps. That would really help out people in the need of.. wait what?

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