Looks pretty damn good with the hood off, but that cream color is just...no.
I'm glad I preordered this. Its gonna be a nice addition to the classicStorm Shadow, and I'm really digging the color scheme here....the gold trimming, the black, etc. Although for a truly "arctic" feel I might have gone with a white motif and some traces of light blue, maybe a white fur trim on the hood or something. Of COURSE the real issue is availability! Its been murder trying to get the other figures in the line like Baroness; why Hasbro wont force Target to step up its anti-scalper game is beyond me. Its soured me on the figures so much that I dont think im gonna invest too much more time in trying to get the ones i want. If Hasbro or Target doesnt want my money, I'll spend it elsewhere.
Storm Shadow looks incredible.
I'll wait on the classic version to come out. As others have already stated, he looks way better w/o the hood. I wish they had included this head in Red as an alternate head sculpt for the Cobra Ninjas.
Looks much better without the hood.
Looks good, but me too, I want a classic Storm Shadow
He does look good but I'd rather have just a classic Storm Shadow.
@3:35 pretty sure that's a kama, which is a weapon (but also a sickle), not something he uses for rock climbing in the snow. These are often used in pairs in martial arts, used to block, trap and disarm an opponent's weapon. Suppose one could use it for climbing as it started out as a farming tool. Overall I think they could have used more white on his outfit for an arctic look....though of course his normal outfit is all white anyway!