I'm super excited for this Recondo figure. It will be the last to complete my collection. I got notification that Python Patrol Officer has shipped, so I'm just waiting on Recondo now. He will be the last of the windowed figures for me. He'll be my 45th Joe and once I have him and the Python Patrol Officer in hand they will perfectly fill one bookcase in my house (packaged looking forward, not sideways). I'm not collecting any windowless figures because I don't plan on every opening any of these. That has caused me to miss out on some good figures like Serpentor, Dr. Mindbender, Sgt. Slaughter, etc but there's not point in me buying a windowless figure that I'll never open to even confirm what is inside. My only regret is that I'll miss out on Shipwreck. He was my first Joe as a kid.