11 minutes ago, Satam said:I'm not sure that liking the redesign puts you in the minority. I like it, myself, over all. I just don't like that they couldn't print the tattoo on the elbow (I was told this), and that her neck is kinda long.
From what I can see from reviews and such, many people like the unmasked head and short sleeved costume but that tattoo is less popular. And, of course, there some ARAH fans that want a more traditional version (perhaps in the Retro line). I like it when they update a figure without radically changing it (Cobra Trooper, BAT, Crimson Guard, etc.) and really dislike the more radical redesigns (Jinx, Rock'N'Roll, and the Blackout figures). It's a hard line to walk and that's why I usually just hope for ARAH versions.
5 minutes ago, Satam said:I'm not sure that liking the redesign puts you in the minority. I like it, myself, over all. I just don't like that they couldn't print the tattoo on the elbow (I was told this), and that her neck is kinda long.
I guess I had just read more negatives about the design on here than positives, but you may be totally right concerning the minority/majority. Either way, I dig it. I hadn't heard about the neck issue, but I guess that makes sense since they wanted to include the choker necklace on it. From the pictures it doesn't look too ridiculously long, but I will have to see one of the figures irl before I can speak on that.
13 hours ago, Frozentenderloin said:Really interested in picking this one up. In the minority, but I kind of dig the redesign of the character.
I'm not sure that liking the redesign puts you in the minority. I like it, myself, over all. I just don't like that they couldn't print the tattoo on the elbow (I was told this), and that her neck is kinda long.
Really interested in picking this one up. In the minority, but I kind of dig the redesign of the character. I like Jinx in the animated movie, but am not really interested in filling my display with a bunch of ninja looking characters (Snake Eyes and Storm shadow aside). While she still has a dojo look going, I think this new look ads a little more distinction so that she isnt just another ninja. Just my opinion though. Also, I am indifferent about the tattoo.
On 7/10/2024 at 8:36 AM, Jscott991 said:It also kept the Blackout concept of the blindfold (Jinx appears briefly in the game's cut scenes).
The blindfold is a major plot point for the character in the animated movie. I plan to display here with the blindfolded head for that reason. That said, I never owned the original 3 3/4 figure of her, so I guess that is why I am leaning more into the cartoon than the vintage figure for my point of familiarity with her.
I have also received my Jinx today! Great reviews everyone! I too am displaying Jinx with the covered mask as that is the way that I am used to seeing her. Also great job on the tattoo removal Jscott991.
Got my Jinx today and stripped the tattoo off in less than 5 minutes. 99% Acetone Nail Polish from CVS is amazing (I would never use it on miniature ships from Shapeways or resin minis, but the risk here was minimal).
I actually like this Jinx better than a long sleeved version.
4 hours ago, Jscott991 said:It also kept the Blackout concept of the blindfold (Jinx appears briefly in the game's cut scenes)
She wears the blindfold several times in the 1987 movie. She can't beat Pythona without it.
7 hours ago, MRT said:I hate tattoos too but I don't think its that radical of a redesign. The first concept for storm shadow, THAT was a radical redesign, this one is just a modern take because that is what (sadly) people do these days.
It's a pretty radical redesign for a simple character. ARAH Jinx is just wearing a red ninja outfit with a black dragon on it. This version has the giant, glaring tattoo, short sleeves, a bizarre necklace, and a lot more black. It also kept the Blackout concept of the blindfold (Jinx appears briefly in the game's cut scenes). Thankfully it includes a more normal alternate head. I won't say this is the worst possible Jinx (I can remove the necklace, scrub off the tattoo, and use the alternate head), but it's a pretty big departure from her ARAH figure. Her wavemates, Doc and Night Creeper, look like they stepped right out of the ARAH line (particularly if you take off Doc's vest). So I got pretty unlucky here.
Frankly this design evokes Blackout Storm Shadow. It's the same aesthetic choices. Add more color. Add a massive tattoo. And make a simple, elegant design more complicated. Blackout Storm Shadow did have the Trooper mask and Jinx does have a normal alternate head, so there's that. But I think whoever redesigned Jinx had that Storm Shadow in mind or used it as inspiration. I'm so glad we didn't get that SS, but, frankly, I care about Jinx a lot more than I care about Storm Shadow (I don't even have an open Storm Shadow, all my retros and regular versions are still MIB).
On 7/8/2024 at 6:58 AM, Jscott991 said:It's going to be so much work removing that tattoo. I can't believe one of the few figures left I cared about became someone's opportunity to experiment on radical character redesign.
I hate tattoos too but I don't think its that radical of a redesign. The first concept for storm shadow, THAT was a radical redesign, this one is just a modern take because that is what (sadly) people do these days.
I'm still waiting for my Jinx to be delivered. I like the sculpt of this figure, good for posing.