Package Description
During Ancient Egypt’s 15th Dynasty, Prince Khufu and his beloved Princess Chay-Ara discovered a downed spacecraft from the planet Thanagar. Exposure to the ship’s anti-gravity Nth Metal allowed Khufu and Chay-Ara to be reincarnated countless times throughout the ages to follow. In modern times, Khufu became the hero Hawkman, Chay-Ara reincarnated as his beloved Hawkgirl.
Hawkman shares some parts with old sculpts, but also has some new parts to show off. Most prominent of course are the wings. Each wing is sculpted from two separate parts, and mirrored on each side. The wings are painted differently though to make each look different and thus have a more natural appearance. The two piece design excellently reproduces the look of natural wings and don’t look contrived at all. The dark color also emphasizes all his muscles because of the light skin tone and help the sculpt details really stand out. Even though DCUC body sculpts are generally large, the large wings makes Hawkman’s frame look more naturally proportioned.
Hawkman has excellent texturing because of all the different colors and materials on the body and wings. Because of this none of the joints are very noticeable, although the red and green colors are a little bright. Virtually all of the paint application is clean except for the underwear line. Overall this is arguably the best looking figure to come out of the line so far. All the different parts of the figure flow together naturally and he looks fantastic on display.
The body articulation is standard for the line. The head doesn’t look up at all, which is a drawback for flying poses. The torso also doesn’t really bend backward, but bends forward well. The range of motion in the rest of the figure is standard. The wings can swivel and stay in place easily. For stretching the wings out, the large pieces click into position, so there’s really two settings for the wings.
Balance is surprisingly good for having such huge wings on his back. Flying poses are difficult because there’s no hole for a flight stand, but it can be done. Hawkman has some fantastic fighting poses with his weapons. The weapons combined with the wings make his fighting poses unique and he really stands out from the crowd. Hawkman looks good fighting or just standing on display.
Final Judgment: 8
Hawkman is an excellent figure for any collector. There’s a couple of small areas where some improvement could be made, but the bottom line is this figure looks fantastic on display, and poses well. Hawkman is one of the best figures to come out of DC Universe Classics so far.
10. My favorite possession.
9. My favorite action figure.
8. One of my favorite action figures.
7. An excellent action figure.
6. A good, but not exceptional action figure.
5. An adequate action figure.
4. Not worth the money I spent.
3. I'll give it to somebody's kid.
2. I'll give it to somebody's dog.
1. It's going to lose a fight with my car.
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