Jemm has a very different look and feel from the standard DC Universe Classics figure. For starters he’s a half inch taller, with height added in the lower body. The arms are also longer thanks to a new forearm piece, to make his body more proportional. But mostly he has a cosmic feel that is rivaled by very few figures in the line. The stoic face, deep forehead and pointed ears are what make this figure work. The bright blues of the costume tend to clash with the deep red of his skin, but the unusual head sculpt helps draw attention away from those areas.
Jemm uses the larger DCUC body sculpt with some modifications. There’s not a lot of sculpt details except for the muscle lines, so the bright blue tends to stand out. The paint application is clean, but too bright. The blue may be accurate, but it clashes with the red skin, which has a nice paint wash. Overall I would have made all the blues darker, but the sculpt and painting are well executed.
Jemm has standard DC Universe articulation. The head can look up a good ways but not down. The ab crunch gets some movement forward, but not backward. The legs and arms get their full range of motion with very few limitations from the soft cape.
Jemm has good balance and can do most standard DCUC poses. The long fingers stretched out really kills the action poses though. He also stands out stylistically on the shelf, and really needs to be next to a figure like Martian Manhunter. If you like Jemm you’ll probably have no problems setting him up in your display, but for the more casual collector finding a good spot for Jemm is going to be a little harder than usual.
Closing Remarks
Jemm is a nice figure, but he’s not a standout like Golden Pharaoh. If you don’t like cosmic or alien characters, Jemm probably isn’t the way to go because he’s fairly standard alien fare. But for DC completists he is well worth the cash because of the solid execution.
Thanks to the folks at Mattel for providing us with this product for review.
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