DC Collectibles released its latest Deluxe action figure with the new Solomon Grundy figure from the Arkham City video game series. The figure stands approximately 13” tall and was sculpted by Joe Menna. This figure, as with previous deluxe ones, features a lot of detailing in the sculpt but sports a pretty hefty price tag of $89.95. Solomon Grundy was born on a Monday, but is he worth adding to your collection today? Read on and find out.
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GALLERY below.

Packaging - This figure comes in the same type of window box packaging as most DC Collectibles figures with the white box and the color overlay on the right side, black in this particular case. In the bottom right, it has the figure’s name and the Batman: Arkham logo. On the right side, it has an image of the figure and says “includes a removable chest piece and heart”. On the back, a thumb image of the figure is at the top with a brief bio for the character underneath. Below that are thumb images of other Deluxe scale figures available in the series, Titan Joker, Killer Croc and Mr. Freeze. On the left side is another image of the figure along with the name of the sculptor, Joe Menna.
Sculpt - With all the deluxe and most the DC Collectibles figures in general, the detailed sculpting is where these figures really tend to shine. Grundy is no different. This version of Grundy is not only huge but somewhat grotesque. He looks like a combination of Frankenstein and a Zombie from the Living Dead. He has vein work throughout his body sculpt and on multiple areas that look as if they have been cut off and sewn back on. His old tattered pants and jacket with ripped-off arms is sculpted and really nice looking with detail. He also has some chains on his wrists which are non-removable but separate pieces of plastic. He has a chest area where you can remove the outer skin to reveal his innards and a removable heart which are also nicely sculpted. Detailing on the inside of the removable skin piece even shows parts of his ribcage. The head looks a little small on the body, but I believe that is true to the character’s appearance in the video game. He has giant teeth that almost protrude from his mouth. Detailing extends even to his finger nails on his hands which are both sculpted in the open position. Menna really has done a fantastic job on the sculpt for this figure, and it looks really nice on your shelf. As far as sculpting goes, it’s definitely one of the nicest in the Arkham line possibly second only to the Titan Joker figure.
Paint - The paint job on this figure similar to the sculpt is also very nice. The skin color is a light grey with some nice texturing and washes mixed in, especially on the veins to really make them stand out. The dried blood around the cut marks of the removable skin on the chest is also very nice and realistic looking. The finger and toe nails are a dirt (almost fungi) covered color which also really adds to the realism of the figure. As far as the paint goes, I detect no flaws.
Articulation - Where the paint and sculpt typically shine with the DC Collectibles, articulation is were they generally falter. Unfortunately, this figure is no different. This figure has basic articulation and is somewhat top heavy, so he falls over easily. When he falls, he falls with a bang because he is a very heavy figure. The head has no up or down movement but you can turn it 360 degrees. The arms have ball-jointed shoulders, bicep swivels, single elbows and swivel wrists. There is no swivel at the waist, and the legs are attached with basic cut hips and have single knee joints. There is no ankle articulation at all.
Accessories - The figure has the removable chest piece which reveals his heart which can also be removed.
Overall - The figure is really nice to look at, but you are very limited in the types of poses you can use which significantly reduces the fun factor. The figure also has a tendency to fall over due to its weight so that also hampers what you can do and how you can display it. If you are a fan of the Grundy character or just like having big hulking zombie-looking figures in your collection, then you will probably want to pick up this one, especially if you have been collecting the other Deluxe Arkham figures. Otherwise, due to the high price tag, you may want to decide to save your money for other things.
Final Score: 3 1/2 our of 5
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