I must commend Johnny Lightning on the packaging as it tries its darnest to fully utilise the small amount of space. The result? We're treated to a flashy visual of the Romulan on the front, a brief but concise write up on the back (which sure does help a Star Trek plebian like me), and most importantly, an all round view of the product, which does wonders for perplexing purchasing decision-making. The shape of the plastic bubble is odd though, and should be a nightmare in terms of shipping for the manufacturer. But that ain't our concern, cos we're just here to play.
What you see is what you get, the Romulan Bird of Prey and the display base. The Romulan is neatly constructed and cleanly painted, dots and details all added in painstakingly. Of course, the avian insignia is present on the underside of the ship and it looks rather grand. Its aesthetically pleasing on the whole, but the brittleness of the plastic might be a cause of concern as mentioned later.
The highlight of this toy for me personally, has got to be the beautifully crafted die-cast display base. The ship's name is nicely inscribed on it and its substantially heavier than the actual toy itself. Strangely, in this case, the accessory outshines the toy.