This week's TNI Cool Custom is of a custom Transformers G1 Cartoon Style Masterpiece Swoop. This custom was done by
Wilestbilame. This is how he describes the making of it.
"Ever since I was a kid I always loved the dinobots, and apart from Grimlock I always had admiration for Swoop the truly awesome pterodactyl Transformer that really knew how to be as savage as his Dinobot leader, Sadly we never got a proper update to this legendary bot nor classics or MP, but thanks to master sculptor and customizer sculptbot Swoop has now become an awesome reality!! utilizing a custom casted kit by sculptbot I combined it to upgrade another transformer into a full fledged Masterpiece swoop and I figured I would bring him into the masterpiece line with a closer to the cartoon appearance than previous toys done a in the past, he features super articulated individual finger seeker hands(special thanks to fakebusker for designing them), ball joint head, articulated dino head and jaw, wings fold via swivel for easy transition from dino mode to bot mode and for flapping his wings I guess LOL, embossed Autobot symbol on dino head, I painted the sword to look as if it were lit up all the time and heating up, I wanted to bring back the glory days of generation 1 by recreating this masterpiece with his Cartoon colors, one of the things I always loved about the cartoon and comic was that"shine effect" they were drawn with on their windshields and shading on their bodies, sort of as if the metal and glass had it's own shine in cartoon style, so I replicated that effect through a modern method known as "cell shading" and panel lining across his body to bring out a true cartoon style adding a more dynamic color scheme far beyond the simple repaint. Swoop was carefully sanded and cleaned prior to painting, after which he was airbrushed with super high quality automotive grade lacquers and slightly detailed with high quality acrylics, and sealed with UV resistant matte finish to preserve his colors for years to come! "
Check out the images of his work below in our
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