TNI: Will the 25th Anniversary figures be offered at the big 3 retailers (TRU, Target and Wal-Mart)? And will they be sold outside the United States?
Hasbro: The 25th Anniversary line will have full distribution within the United States. The line will also be for sale through some Canadian and Mexican retailers. It is available to all consumers through
TNI: Can we get a nice up and close image of Cobra Commander's back to see if the gun attaches to his back like the vintage one did?
Hasbro: Sorry, but we cannot accommodate extra image requests.
TNI: Why did you decide not to give Flint gloves?
Hasbro:Our first wave of single carded figures were added in late due to overwhelmingly positive response to our 5-packs. Therefore we were faced with some tooling limitations on these items which impacted the gloves. Unfortunately, this change was necessary in order to ship to retail for this fall.
TNI: Will we ever see a Scarlett or Baroness figure in the 8" line?
Hasbro: We never say never, but historically those characters have limited kid potential at higher pricepoints. The 8" line is targeted to our kid market.
Also see:
Round 1 Q&A