Ten years ago, DESTRO briefly replaced his bad-to-the-bone suit with a very flamboyant outfit: dark-and-deadly DESTRO was now dressed in leopard skin! The unusual deco was given the go-ahead for production, and a few hundred of these garish guys made it into the world before Hasbro honchos decided the deco was too over-the-top. The colors were toned down, and DESTRO was back to his usual black-clad badness.
Because those leopard-skin figures are now almost impossible to find, Hasbro decided to give you a real treat. They're brining him back, just as briefly as before, for his tenth anniversary. He'll be available in two versions for your viewing and collecting enjoyment, so grab them both while you can!
File Name: James McMullen
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence
Birthplace: Callander, Scotland
DESTO is the 17th "Laird" of a manor house in Scottish highlands and the current head of a centuries-old arms manufacturing firm. Tradition holds that the current head of the firm always wears a polished beryllium steel mask when in public. His predecessors supplied weapons and aircraft to the British in World War II; his father supplied arms to Southeast Asia. The current DESTRO has been more ambitious, running his own organization known as the IRON GRENADIER troops before becoming the arms supplier for COBRA. Although DESTRO personally despises COBRA COMMANDER, believing him to be a pompous, posturing poltroon, he knows that working with COBRA is good for business.
From the personal journal of DESTRO: "As long as there are people in this world, there will always be conflict. Technology advances best during times of strife and battle, and there are always those who will take advantage of this. Better it should be someone with honor."
UPC: 5356925179
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