I always saw the CG's shirt and pants as being 2 different articles of clothing. With this figure they appear to be connected. His head also looks kind of funky. They have given it an updated more stylized look. Looks like what I'd expect a Sigma Six CG head to look like. Also not a fan of the gold decoration rather than silver. It's hard to see but the CG insignia on the side of his arm looks different too.
Destro on the other hand looks great.
Ha! Thanks VH! You're always a pal man. I didn't necessarily mean to come across as apologetic, but I guess I kinda did. Heh...I'm just so excited about these things. They're dreams come true for me personally...
I always love the discussions/debates/agreements/disagreements around here. VH, you and I have even been at odds in terms of opinions on several occaisions, but it never affected our friendship. It's FUN to find out what others think, whether they agree or disagree with me. That's what makes it all so interesting...as long as no one's being a jerk and taking personal shots at anyone.
The helmet looks more like a hood on this version and the absence of the silver slot detail (across the visor) is a negative on it (IMO). While the boots are not "high heeled" I know what you're getting at Goldbug, and they look funky because of the length of the shin. All these new figures are too skinny as far as I'm concerned, because they have "added articulation" features that require less obtrusive movement in order to make the "more articulated" claim.....legit. Everybody is in skin tight spandex outfits now, just to accommodate this brilliant new design. For me...it's asthetically displeasing.
I'm being pretty critical of course, just because I'm a huge CG fan of OLD.....and anything less than perfection on these "new & improved" versions, will solicit the over analytical nature in me. They're cool in some aspects, even "better" in some other areas.....but FAR from being "perfect" redo's.
I find that I rarely agree with you...but in this case I do, that helment does look like a hood, the boots are too high, and that mask SERIOUSLY needs some silver or grey to break it up...as it stands it looks insectile. And his uniform does look like a skin tight biker suit
I also thought Lady Jays face looked more like a mask than an actual face....me and VH agreeing something(s)? what is the world coming to?
It must be the beginning of the END!!!! @firedevil@
Maybe I'm in my escapist mode full-on, or perhaps maybe I have on my rose-colored glasses, but...I love them all. I'm just having a blast with this line. IG Destro is awesome. Snow Job is perfection. Absolutely better than the original, hands-down IMO. Snake-Eyes? Another perfect one.Crimson Guard? I honestly hadn't looked very closely at this one until just now, and I have to say, I love it. And VH, I know you and others are completely within your rights to say these are too skinny, but I personally don't see it. Maybe in the arms somewhat, but no more than the original RAH figures were...
I'm just loving these. I can't help it.
Nobody should feel they have to apologize for how they feel or think about these things (especially about toys) or be intimidated for having maybe an opinion that's in a minority from the rest. It's not right or wrong...it's just what it is, as WE see it or feel about it, and that's what a "discussion" is all about anyway, right?
DB...don't ever apologize or feel bad for merely SHARING (honestly) what you think.
Maybe I'm in my escapist mode full-on, or perhaps maybe I have on my rose-colored glasses, but...I love them all. I'm just having a blast with this line. IG Destro is awesome. Snow Job is perfection. Absolutely better than the original, hands-down IMO. Snake-Eyes? Another perfect one.
Crimson Guard? I honestly hadn't looked very closely at this one until just now, and I have to say, I love it. And VH, I know you and others are completely within your rights to say these are too skinny, but I personally don't see it. Maybe in the arms somewhat, but no more than the original RAH figures were...
I'm just loving these. I can't help it.
Darn it I added my opinion on the pictures in the other wave 5 thread. I guess I was just a little faster than the news.I dont like the CG's as much now as i did in the con pictures??TM
I'm with TM.
I am not liking the CG at all. What happend to his shotgun? Why is his eye slit so curved? Why is he cross dressing with high heel lady's boots?
Then why are there so many revolvers all of a sudden? Couldn't Destro have his signature gun in gold?
I know exactly what you guys are saying......about what you're SEEING on this CG.
The helmet looks more like a hood on this version and the absence of the silver slot detail (across the visor) is a negative on it (IMO). While the boots are not "high heeled" I know what you're getting at Goldbug, and they look funky because of the length of the shin. All these new figures are too skinny as far as I'm concerned, because they have "added articulation" features that require less obtrusive movement in order to make the "more articulated" claim.....legit. Everybody is in skin tight spandex outfits now, just to accommodate this brilliant new design. For me...it's asthetically displeasing.
I'm being pretty critical of course, just because I'm a huge CG fan of OLD.....and anything less than perfection on these "new & improved" versions, will solicit the over analytical nature in me. They're cool in some aspects, even "better" in some other areas.....but FAR from being "perfect" redo's.
IMO of course.
I find that I rarely agree with you...but in this case I do, that helment does look like a hood, the boots are too high, and that mask SERIOUSLY needs some silver or grey to break it up...as it stands it looks insectile. And his uniform does look like a skin tight biker suit
I also thought Lady Jays face looked more like a mask than an actual face....me and VH agreeing something(s)? what is the world coming to?
Some of the figures do look too skinny, but with guys like firefly and beacheac, I always thought the originals were too fat anyway.
I like that Crimson Guard more every time I see him. I can not wait to start troop building with him. I hope they are not short packed or hard to find.
the figures look badass better than rah,nothing is perfect ,boots are higher but so what it still looks badd ass! :)toilet boy you dont like the 25th but you still like to talk bout them.
Same sh@#..different day, I see.
the figures look badass better than rah,nothing is perfect ,boots are higher but so what it still looks badd ass! :)toilet boy you dont like the 25th but you still like to talk bout them.
Darn it I added my opinion on the pictures in the other wave 5 thread. I guess I was just a little faster than the news.I dont like the CG's as much now as i did in the con pictures??TM
I'm with TM.
I am not liking the CG at all. What happend to his shotgun? Why is his eye slit so curved? Why is he cross dressing with high heel lady's boots?
Then why are there so many revolvers all of a sudden? Couldn't Destro have his signature gun in gold?
I know exactly what you guys are saying......about what you're SEEING on this CG.
The helmet looks more like a hood on this version and the absence of the silver slot detail (across the visor) is a negative on it (IMO). While the boots are not "high heeled" I know what you're getting at Goldbug, and they look funky because of the length of the shin. All these new figures are too skinny as far as I'm concerned, because they have "added articulation" features that require less obtrusive movement in order to make the "more articulated" claim.....legit. Everybody is in skin tight spandex outfits now, just to accommodate this brilliant new design. For me...it's asthetically displeasing.
I'm being pretty critical of course, just because I'm a huge CG fan of OLD.....and anything less than perfection on these "new & improved" versions, will solicit the over analytical nature in me. They're cool in some aspects, even "better" in some other areas.....but FAR from being "perfect" redo's.
IMO of course.
Darn it I added my opinion on the pictures in the other wave 5 thread. I guess I was just a little faster than the news.I dont like the CG's as much now as i did in the con pictures??TM
I'm with TM.
I am not liking the CG at all. What happend to his shotgun? Why is his eye slit so curved? Why is he cross dressing with high heel lady's boots?
Then why are there so many revolvers all of a sudden? Couldn't Destro have his signature gun in gold?
Dude what are you talking about? CG doesn't have high healed boots. That gun he has is freakin fantastic. And the IG destro didn't even come with a gun. Sounds like you are nitpicking just to nitpick
I think his boots are way too high. They should end around the middle of the shin. His helmet is also too longish.
Of course the IG Destro didn't come with a gun. It was molded onto his thighs. I was just saying since Destro is an arms dealer wouldn't he be carrying his own brand?
Not to mention the CG never had a shotgun that is a great representation of CG original gun.
This was also molded onto his thighs on the original. It was a sawed off shotgun.
Sure I am nitpicking the guns. Those can easily be replaced. However the proportions of the CG's head & boots look very off from the originals. Maybe they will look better up close in person. Then again I could wait for the rumored Fred/CC comic pack. Hopefully that one will have a removable helmet that isn't oversized like the last TRU CG set.