I could really do without another Snake-Eyes so early......(although I guess its not early...we're 7 waves into this line) everyone is always complaining "Another Snake-Eyes?" From what I see it seems like everyone is really excited for this figure......more so than others. Granted, its not a re-paint and is a new sculpt but still.......
Spirit is great too.........I'm sure he'll look better in person.
I really am liking this wave. Best wave in a while!! SE, WB and Spirit rock.
By the way, with the pose and face expression, doesn`t it look like Spirit is trying to strain out a dump!?
I`m very diisapointed in the Viper, the wrists are really a turn off for me. The goggles missing does bother me but not as much as the wrists. He still looks like a rough proto, like a very quick paint job for pics. I bet they add some removable goggles down the road. The Hiss driver is awesome and I will buy a few for custom fodder. His legs turned out perfect here! Snake Eyes looks really cool here, I will definantly buy but as a differant character. The rest I could care less about.
I am loving everything that I'm seeing so far.......I really don't know what Hasbro is trying to do with the Viper though???
Oh and for the record.......I love that Duke.....I know its just the flag and the Jetpack but still....I think the figure looks really sharp for some reason.
As is, I really think that figure was initially designed for Major Bludd (or the torso anyway), and his delay may have more to do with the factory being unable to get both figures out at once than any tweaking on Hasbro's part.
Only going by Hasbro's statement, they say they're still tweaking him. But if the pics surface, and Major Bludd shares the torso mold with HISS Driver, I'll agree it was a matter of not being able to produce two figures with a single mold for the same production run.
Hey all,
After a long absence filled with a busy semester of college and some personal issues that have gotten in the way, I'm back to give my review to this wave.
Duke: Maybe my eyes are playing tricks here, but he looks like he'd fit in more for Winter Ops, though the jetpack would be useful to give to some other character(like Stalker perhaps).
Snake Eyes: At least Hasbro was kind enough to make Snake Eyes a homage to a different version, as opposed to just another repaint. I like how this figure looks.
Wild Bill: The only thing bothering me about the figure is his glasses. The lenses should have been spaced a little further apart...because he looks more like some Hollywood star.
Spirit: This is the best version of Spirit to date, bar none. He deserved a better version even though I didn't care for him much.
HISS Driver: This figure looks great. A true homage to the original and at least we get two great versions of this figure. Also, he can potentially be customized and used for the Rip It character.
COBRA Viper: The arms look really thin and the helmet doesn't quite fit the original's look. Maybe if he has a different head and different set of arms someone can customize him into an Alley Viper.
Getting these figures is definitely not a priority for me...in fact, there are plenty of figures higher on my list that I want.
ANOTHER Snake Eyes? ....Really? I'm lovin' this toy-line just like everybody else, but I mean..c'mon. Instead of doing ANOTHER snake-eyes, let's see some other cool figs, (i.e. Snow Serpent, EELs, Blowtorch, Mutt and Junk-yard). Hasbro has such an amazing back-catalogue of characters that they could've dipped into besides making ANOTHER snake-eyes. Not too big of a deal, tho. I'll definitely pick up the Viper and Spirit from this wave.
I sincerely doubt Hasbro puts that kind of illogic into their products. If Hasbro was concerned about not pissing fans off, they'd include a HISS driver with the HISS, *and* on a single card. So no, speculation in that direction doesnt lead anywhere.
As is, I really think that figure was initially designed for Major Bludd (or the torso anyway), and his delay may have more to do with the factory being unable to get both figures out at once than any tweaking on Hasbro's part. Same with Bill, I think Hasbro felt far more comfortable about pushing back a single card figure rather than delay a comic pack (especially with the Doc promotion going on)
Looks like he's dropped back to Wave 4. Poor Bludd, we'll have a complete Cobra Army before we have a field commander fit to lead them...