no prob joe.
wheeew.. crisis averted, thanks X
Well seems like Steeler is pretty true to the original other then having the standard Short sleves and no glovesRAH
Just needs his visor thing which Im sure they can add fairly easily.
For Serpentor, I didn't confirm it today but was said at TF that he would be a more in tune with his classic look.
I see plastic pegs(like the shoulder pegs).. I wonder how different that'll be?
all the protos had those legs.
uh oh, Tele-Viper and Clutch have these new leg joints as well... not sure how I feel about that. Maybe it's just a prototype thing.
Well seems like Steeler is pretty true to the original other then having the standard Short sleves and no glovesRAH
Just needs his visor thing which Im sure they can add fairly easily.
For Serpentor, I didn't confirm it today but was said at TF that he would be a more in tune with his classic look.
I see plastic pegs(like the shoulder pegs).. I wonder how different that'll be?
Well seems like Steeler is pretty true to the original other then having the standard Short sleves and no glovesRAH
Just needs his visor thing which Im sure they can add fairly easily.
For Serpentor, I didn't confirm it today but was said at TF that he would be a more in tune with his classic look.
I'm sure that I heard during Toy Fair Serpentor with Air Chariot will be the same as the single carded version. Plus that classic Serpentor is coming. They never said how or where classic Serpentor would come out. I suspect classic Serpentor would be in the Arise Serpentor Arise pack.
I just hope Steeler doesn't get those aweful Duke arms.
So, Steeler's taken a step down, tankwise (is that a word?). He get's the little bity Armadillo. Aw, how cute. Seems like a waste for a guy that's supposed to be THE tank guy on the team. Oh well. I'll probably still get the set if only for Serpentor and his Chariot.
The answer according to Hasbro is the figure in question is Steeler. I talked to them today to get clarification for you all. The entire news post can be found here.(link)
Thanks JayC for getting us those answers.
Im sure they are going to make a cartoon gray breaker with a beard. I cant see what else they can do
Yeah for the original HISS tank. I know TARGET is releasing a blue one but I'd much rather have the original in black. I'd buy the DTC version but not unless Hasbro actually puts a working rear access door on the back of it like they originally planned.