Bring 'em on!
Hope to see 9, 10, and 11 (aka Waves 5 through 7 - '08) in due time too!!
I really don't know what's with all the hate for Bludd. If this is the original: (link)
and this is the new one: (link)
I'd say he looks pretty good, and I for one am glad to get him. Now I need Scrapiron!
I may not be noticing something about him that all the rest of you are, but I like the way he looks!
If Zartan's chest armor had been removable and Blood's chest thingy was too then the actual body would have been fine. See, on alot of the other 25th figures they have all this stuff that can be removed and switched and it really helps make things like torsos and legs look different enough from each other that it works great. But on Zartan and Major Blood they are exactly the same except for that one arm.
Worst wave yet. Major Blood is a huge disappointment. It seems like he's been getting the shaft ever since the end of rah. Hasbro please listen closely. Blood is an icon and deserves much better.Also, what did they do to the Baroness's card art?! It's just down-right fugly! I can't believe they took one of the nicest cards from rah and transformed it into one of the worst. I mean I know it's based on a really ugly figure but this is just jaw dropping. Hpefully the eventual crimson Baroness is not hard to find.
Oh, one more thought. If they're going to give us single cards based on the comic series then just what are comic packs for?
I don't know why so many people are bashing Blood lately. This mold is actually very close to his first from '83. If doubters care to look at and find the original blood, the only major difference between the two figures is that this one lacks the neon green stripe on the pant legs, and has the brown covers on the thighs. Admittedly I'm not sure which head they will use, but they both look decent.
Because it looks like Zartan's body. That's simple and why we are complaining. Well, that and they pushed the figure back.
I don't think anyone is complaining about the body reuse, but how about a little frankensteining?
imo, the newer headsculpt looks more like the cartoon while the old one doesn't look like the major; the old one looks like he is pumped on Steroids
Yeah, exactly. The parts are too distinctly Zartan. I don't mind them repainting bodies for these figures considering how great many have turned out but it's just not the right choice in this case.
Blood with Zartan's body is just as bad as that Zartan with a SAW Viper body. They just are not close enough. I supose now Hasbro is going to read this and make a SAW Viper with Zartan's body.
Hasbro could have made the IG Destro with the V1 Destro body but instead he got a band new body. Why does Major Blood not get that. If Hasbro wants to reuse some body for the Sonic Fighter Major Blood or Battle Corp Major Blood that is fine but they should do better on the original Blood.
No the Blood does not suck, but he is very close to it. The parts are to much Zartan........ cough Dreadnok symbol still on him.
Worst wave yet. Major Blood is a huge disappointment. It seems like he's been getting the shaft ever since the end of rah. Hasbro please listen closely. Blood is an icon and deserves much better.Also, what did they do to the Baroness's card art?! It's just down-right fugly! I can't believe they took one of the nicest cards from rah and transformed it into one of the worst. I mean I know it's based on a really ugly figure but this is just jaw dropping. Hpefully the eventual crimson Baroness is not hard to find.
Oh, one more thought. If they're going to give us single cards based on the comic series then just what are comic packs for?
I don't know why so many people are bashing Blood lately. This mold is actually very close to his first from '83. If doubters care to look at and find the original blood, the only major difference between the two figures is that this one lacks the neon green stripe on the pant legs, and has the brown covers on the thighs. Admittedly I'm not sure which head they will use, but they both look decent.
Baroness is sweet, i like flint in T.F. and Blood. you just cant touch. i was happy when i got these 3 on Hasbro. a few minuets later , there were out of stock..