Didn't think I would like these, but now that I've seen them, I will be suckered into buying them.
I'll be getting these along with the Mighty Muggs, now only if we can get Minimates too!I think it's funny to see Firefly, as a toy aimed at preschool-aged kids with dynamite in hand!
lol, I think it's funny how you picked out Firefly when all of the others have guns, knives a crossbow or a bazooka!
BLAH I have no interest for them. #yuk@#
These guys are so cute. Just look at the little wolf puppy, doesnt he look so adorable.I just want a few of these little guys. I dont believe I will collect much more than Snake Eyes and Timber. I picked up the entire fantastic four set because they too where just so cute.
When GI Joes become cute and people start talkin about them in pink colored fonts it sort of changes things for me...
I don't care for these style figures, but my six year old some LOVES them. He's really looking forward to the Joes (I already got him the Con Snake Eyes).
I gotta admit the grouping of these figures sucks!! Why would Duke come with a Cobra Trooper if there's gonna be a Cobra Commander. And what the heck is Snake Eyes doing with Zartan and then there's Roadblock with Cobra Commander. These groupings sucks at it best. They should have release Storm Shadow with Snake Eye. Roadblock is perfect with Cobra Trooper but Cobra Commander?? OKAAAYY???!!!! And Firefly with Bazooka??? I dunno about that. May as well put Flint next to Buzzer. Hell, let's put Lady Jaye with Tomax and forget the other twin. LOL!!!
People who want Troopers have to buy Duke.
People who want Cobra Commander have to buy Roadblock.
People who want Snake Eyes have to buy Zartan.
The reverse of each is also true. Sounds like pretty solid groupings when you look at the marketing behind it.
These guys are so cute. Just look at the little wolf puppy, doesnt he look so adorable.
I just want a few of these little guys. I dont believe I will collect much more than Snake Eyes and Timber. I picked up the entire fantastic four set because they too where just so cute.
I gotta admit the grouping of these figures sucks!! Why would Duke come with a Cobra Trooper if there's gonna be a Cobra Commander. And what the heck is Snake Eyes doing with Zartan and then there's Roadblock with Cobra Commander. These groupings sucks at it best. They should have release Storm Shadow with Snake Eye. Roadblock is perfect with Cobra Trooper but Cobra Commander?? OKAAAYY???!!!! And Firefly with Bazooka??? I dunno about that. May as well put Flint next to Buzzer. Hell, let's put Lady Jaye with Tomax and forget the other twin. LOL!!!
I'll be getting these along with the Mighty Muggs, now only if we can get Minimates too!
I think it's funny to see Firefly, as a toy aimed at preschool-aged kids with dynamite in hand!
For some strange reason... I am liking these...
I don't know what it is but its GI Joe but just different but something cool to have on display...