That's just it, it doesn't take a lot to apease collectors. They can do it with just a new head in a lot of cases. Take, for example, the Oktober Guard. Except for Horror Show, ALL of them were reused bodies with new heads. Who wasn't thrilled? Same can be said for Kwinn.
Not to get in a fight with you or anything, but holy poop on a stick do I disagree with that first statement!
A new head on a repaint body may be enough to apease you, me and a whole bunch of others out there (and why not as long as it works?), but since we are all collectors then we all also get grouped together as collectors. There are a whole lot of us with insane expectations, and many who really seem to just hate the hobby when their expectations being met.
'Why are they in the hobby then?' you ask? 'Good question.' I reply.
I'm not saying they're right or wrong for wanting the world in a plastic bubble for under $10.00 ($5.00 really). I'm saying that there is no pleasing the collector community as a whole.
I'm not going to dig for any quotes but I bet if I looked for collectors who were not satisfied with the examples you listed I'd find them.
Again, if I was selling toys (and yet again I'm not, so I'm no expert by any means), I wouldn't even try to do (as 8ball so eloquently put it) the impossible.
Was she really that memorable from the cartoon or comic book? I remember seeing her mentioned in a cartoon when I was a kid and thinking, "Who the Heck is that?" When I got a Covergirl from a garage sale I just called her "Scarlett". Give us a Jinx first, please! Though a blonde Covergirl from MASS Device would be cool, I suppose.Funny... I want a Covergirl and couldn't care less about Jinx, I guess, you just can't please everyone.
This was posted on Raving toy maniac's October '08 Q&A:
2. It's been mentioned in the past that making an updated Cover Girl provides a problem due to her codename and trademark issues. However, fans still keep requesting her. Given that the black-suited Storm Shadow and the blue/white pilot Scarlet are on shelves or on their way, bringing fans the "International" versions of these characters, is it at all possible that a Courtney Krieger figure in the new tooling could be brought to retail under the "Sparta" codename that her sculpt used in South American releases back in the 80's?
Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. If we do another Cover Girl we will most likely use the name Courtney "Cover Girl" Krieger for legal reasons. Sit tight and one day you will see the return of Cover Girl.
I take that as we'll get her!
Hasbro IMO will always be putting out new versions (repaints) of the same characters over and over, as it makes the most sense for them. We are getting new characters inserted into the waves and I am gratefull for it. They seem to be taking care of the mass markets and the collectors at once, which shows (to me anyway) that they do care about us. If I was running a toy company (I'm not, nor am I qualified to), and I had to pick between selling to the masses vs. collectors. I'm going with the masses, apeasing collectors is more trouble than it's worth.
That's just it, it doesn't take a lot to apease collectors. They can do it with just a new head in a lot of cases. Take, for example, the Oktober Guard. Except for Horror Show, ALL of them were reused bodies with new heads. Who wasn't thrilled? Same can be said for Kwinn.
Or, probably the best example, is ZAP who came out in comic pack 4 in 2004. We have yet to get the character (excpet the suppoed "omega" version). All he would take would be a new head and fans would be happy (well, as happy as fans normally get).
I believe it has more to do with getting the most out of a mold. That's fine. But why does it have to be the same CHARACTERS we already got?
Crank case was a surprise and he used NO new parts (same for Cutter), but they could have both used new heads.
Every figure in those packs (except, maybe Deep Six) could be a NEW character, if they really wanted to. And, even if they did, they would NOT run out of characters or versions of characters.
If I was running a toy company (I'm not, nor am I qualified to), and I had to pick between selling to the masses vs. collectors. I'm going with the masses, apeasing collectors is IMPOSSIBLE.
I fixed it for you!
Deep six!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was she really that memorable from the cartoon or comic book? I remember seeing her mentioned in a cartoon when I was a kid and thinking, "Who the Heck is that?" When I got a Covergirl from a garage sale I just called her "Scarlett". Give us a Jinx first, please! Though a blonde Covergirl from MASS Device would be cool, I suppose.
Funny... I want a Covergirl and couldn't care less about Jinx, I guess, you just can't please everyone.
Wow,Finally an army builder comic pack, Iron and Viper and at the retail price of $10.95 it will be cheaper than picking each up individually. I will be looking forward to this pack.
Gee what do you know. Another one who does want this. This was pretty much my reaction too that we finally get an army builder comic pack. Good point to on the price.
Good point. To bad I've already built my Viper army. I'm not crazy about the IG's anyway (not that there's anything wrong with them, they just don't really do it for me). Although I do like making army builders in packs like these readily available. I think it's a good idea on the big H's part.
I'm pretty "meh" about this wave, but I'll get one of each. I'm a completist.For those of you bemoaning the whole "when the movie comes out, it's over." Please just stop. This is exactly the same thing that went on with Transformers fans. There was moaning and groaning about how the classics line was GREAT! and the movie is going to kill the line when they stop making it.
Guess what? Classics are back now that the movie line is over.
Guess what? Same thing for us. By most accounts, the 25th line has been a big success. Success is good, Hasbro will mine this for as long as possible.
Either way, we will see more product. If the movie does as well as Transformers, then more fans means more money, means more toys.
If the movie doesn't do well, Hasbro will still probably want to mine the 25th line for as much as they can.
The only point I can make to all of the many, many post that damn Hasbro for thier actions is: They are very much aware of what they are doing.
I'm not going to continue to mega-quote, I just have one point I'd like to raise:For people who feel that the characters who are popular or special to them are not being given the proper attention, keep in mind - how will you feel if we get every figure from RAH in the next two, three waves? Will you stick around when VvV style characters (Uninspired nobodies named silly things like Cpt. Shortwave, Grindcore Trooper or Sgt. David Michaels) inevitably make their appearance? Or when they start introducing gimmicks?
No. The majority will do what they did during JvC to Sigma Six - criticize and abstain from the toyline. What does that equal? No more toys!
I'd rather Hasbro stretch out the releases of popular characters and sneak in a few new gems (Para-Vipers, Wraith, Devils Due Zartan) than give us everything NOW and watch all the 'satisfied customers' jump ship when Hasbro has to scramble for new ideas because they blew thier load in 08.
That's just it, They have been doing really well (for the most part) with giving us unique characters even with rehased bodies (Falcon, for example). We had 15 comic packs and only 2 (the Cobra Commander/Duke and the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow) packs did not give us anything new. Those were boht wave 1 so that was expected. All the others inclluded repaints, sure, but we ALSO got Breaker, Torch, Ripper, Tomax, Xamot, Ace, Wild Weasel, Hawk, Copperhead, Iron Grenadier, Tripwire, Red Star, Falcon, Nemesis Enforcer, Scarface and Fred. Half were repaints with new heads.
Those 3 comics had TONS of characters in them. And who do we get? Guys we JUST got, for the most part (Rock & Roll, Iron Grenader, Viper).
I'm not saying that every figure in the wave had to be a new guy (why the #%$%$%^ did they pick THAT Deep Six? WTF?) but the didn't include ANY new guys. Is this end of the line that they figure it doesn't really matter?
Besides, it isn't possible to get them all in the next two or three waves. We are getting 12 guys in the next two waves. TWO are new. TWO!
I think they made a smart move with the other DVD packs and multi-packs. They included one guy that was wanted (Alpine, Quick Kick, Dusty, etc.) with a bunch of retreads (Duke, Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes).
All the ranting aside, I am inclined to get them.
Why? Becuase they actually fixed Gung-Ho and Rock & Roll. The questions remains WHY they couldn't fix the Viper though
And speaking of the Viper. That stupid pack is too little too late I think for a lot of people. I already HAVE a ton of extra damn Destros....
I, for one am glad they put that Deep six in a comic pack because I was not going to buy another Sharc to get him (I was waffling on it, just for the figure).
Hasbro IMO will always be putting out new versions (repaints) of the same characters over and over, as it makes the most sense for them. We are getting new characters inserted into the waves and I am gratefull for it. They seem to be taking care of the mass markets and the collectors at once, which shows (to me anyway) that they do care about us. If I was running a toy company (I'm not, nor am I qualified to), and I had to pick between selling to the masses vs. collectors. I'm going with the masses, apeasing collectors is more trouble than it's worth.
One point that no one seems to point out: Aren't comic packs (or any packs for that matter) almost always repaints? I mean Tomax was new but Xamot was a repaint of him (I realize that's being facetious). Copperhead, Ripper, Torch, etc. All new characters, mostly repainted parts. Seems that the single packs are the leading edge of new tooling, now, I realize that the single packs also have repaints, and we have gotten some new molds from packs (Quick Kick for example), but I always expect repaints in packs. I'm fine with it.
Perhaps it's just me.
I'd rather all comic packs be just strictly army builder 2 packs, maybe the the scalper would leave the single packs alone, plus 2 for $10 troopers are a good deal for army builders.
I usually don't chime back over conversations or debates on here, I just say my piece and enjoy reading the rest. These forums are supposed to be fun, but in one click of a mouse, I've been accused of being selfish and impatient.
First of all, we're talking about a hobby - action figures. Not life, work, family, philosophy, religion, or politics. Isn't this site in existence for fun, first and foremost? I had to laugh at the intensity of some of the responses to my post. How about a cup of decaf? Geez....LOL
Second, I'm not the only one wants the figures I mentioned, and I'm not the only one who doesn't care for all of the selections we've gotten so far - and regardless of whether or not there are twice as many parts, quite a few of them are repainted parts, and my opinion is that that is another reason I feel the price is a bit too high. If we take our collecting seriously, then shouldn't Hasbro take their craft a bit more seriously, too? Just a question, not yelling at them.
Third, anyone old enough knows that Hasbro has always had (as far as the GIJoe line goes) an issue with making female figures. I'm not being impatient, just stating the return of an old pattern I'm seeing that maybe be keeping me - and OTHER fans, too (God forbid I think about only myself for once) - from getting some great female characters to enhance our collections.
And finally, let's try to remember to keep it fun on here - differing opinions can be fun and show you how someone else feels about an idea, but calling people selfish is an attack upon the character of someone you don't even know. It's a bit much.
Well done Hasbro, for showing that you only have a small amount of figures to play with. They created new figures using parts and repaints from other lines for VvV and DTC comic packs.
This just proves that Hasbro are starting to run low on ideas. I also believe that this comic pack wave will lose alot of fans just because of how mediocre to crap it is
Yes. And knowing hasbro, there's no reason to believe the line as we know it will be back after the movie is finished as logical as it may seem to do so. I don't care what they TELL us since it's happened more than once with them. But whether it returns or not doesn't change the fact that what we've been seeing lately has been pretty underwhelming and definately not up to the standard of the first few waves. I think it's just natural that people would complain.I sit back and watch, keeping my mouth shut every time I see a new wave come out. Looks like Hasbro is at it again..."Alright, we gave them Scarlett, Baroness, and Lady Jaye. We're done with the female characters."
Do they still honestly think that it's a waste of time to make a female character? Is it really cutting into their profits that badly to make female characters? @grumpy@
I don't know about anybody else out there, but I can't find a single-pack Scarlett figure anymore, I could barely find one or two Lady Jaye's the entire time that wave was out in stores, and I have yet to still see a Baroness in blue, except on eBay - of course, all other figures in that same wave are already warming the pegs at Target and Walmart.
You'd think Hasbro would learn by now that female characters aren't a bad idea - look at Marvel Legends, DC Superheroes, Justice League, etc....the female characters are often the objects of frantic searching and eBay scalping. Wake up, Hasbro!
The only peg warmer I've seen for females is the two pack of Scarlett and Hawk, and they are now starting to disappear - no doubt people like me who saw Hasbro's return to it's old ways and bought a few extras just to get Scarlett to customize into other female GIJoe and Cobra characters and Hawk to use for a generic army builder.
Will we never get Jinx, Covergirl, Zarana, Militia, Mayday, Pythona....etc?
If Hasbro keeps this same stupid attitude towards female figures, I doubt it.
I'm about done with this line also - it's not just this issue, but the fact that they aren't listening to customers' wish lists as they promised. There are plenty of male characters as well who haven't been made yet, and yet we still get some stupid generic diver, pilot, soldier, elite soldier, or other unnamed army builder. Anybody remember Blowtorch? Scrap-Iron?
Another reason - how many of us have wished for a cartoon-correct Lady Jaye? Of course, Hasbro finally gets it right, but puts her in a $20.00 figure pack - wow, maybe they do listen to what the fans want! I have to admit, it's smart thinking - "Find out what everyone wants so badly, and make it available as part of an exclusive that we can charge more money for...." Goes to show that it's always about the money, once again.
Finally - I don't know if I'm the oldest guy on here, but when I was a kid, I distinctly remember paying $2.50 (sometimes less) for these guys. I understand inflation, rising fuel costs, etc., but come on! $7.99? If I could see where we were getting more for the money, I'd probably stick with it, but that's another nail in the coffin for the future of this line, as far as I'm concerned.
Sorry this was so long, but I never really post on here, and it all just built up - thanks for humoring me, everyone!
I have said it before and I will again, the line has only been around for ONE year. Did you really expect every old RAH figure to be made by now, in ONE years time?
Everyone just needs to be patient. Every single one of us has our favorites that really were never big poplular characters that we still want to see and none of us will ever agree 100% about who is made first out od who we still want.
When the line is over and done with and Hasbro is making zero figures, then we can #$#@# and moan that someone was not made.
Sometimes I think most of the collctors want every toy line to fail and every company to go out of business. That or make everything exactly the way they want it, no questions asked and to hell with the other collectors and what they want. Oh, and kids? Screw them too.
Paaaaassss on this whole wave. I like the IG/Viper troop builder comic pack idea, though I was sure we'd get a General Joe Colton figure seeing as that's his first appearance issue. Oh well.He was in other comics. The is no written rule that he has to be in the comic pack from the comic he first appeared in. He does not even have to be made in a comic pack. The JVC one was in a 6 pack. Maybe Hasbro will do a new 25th Ann. Viper Lockdown set.
Maybe we're panicking because when the movie hits they're (allegedly) canning the RAH line in favor of a movie line. Those always turn out really well. Maybe if you knew that you would understand why fans are getting upset about three comic packs that are essentially straight repacks.
I don't think people are being selfish. Look at the last two waves that have been announced? There's that Tripwire and Ripper wave and then there's another one I saw at BBTS with a few repaints and some Resolute figures, which are probably repaints too. Then you see this Comic pack set with straight repaints/repacks. Does anyone else see a pattern? This series started with a huge bang and now its completely underachieving.
As for it returning after the movie, I wouldn't put it past Hasbro but I also don't know what they're thinking anymore.