Never liked Transformers. @firedevil@No wonder I never see you in the Transformers forums or the Monkey Room
dat be why!
Never liked Transformers. @firedevil@
No wonder I never see you in the Transformers forums or the Monkey Room
Never liked Transformers. @firedevil@
umm....yeah. these pics are actually "MY" wip pics and im not sure how they got here or who "wangbaobao" is,but they are for sure my wip pics.the bot in question is actually finished now and newer pics have been posted on the other 3 sites i frequent(,tfw2005 and i'm not trying to start trouble or stir the pot so to speak,but credit has been given to the wrong person and i'm not even sure how these pics were found on "actoys".
Its better than anything I've ever could do! Nice work!
Kudos on getting it to transform, that's a lot of work.
And thanks for the nod, Wheeljack.
I liked this one better(link)
That is an unfair comparison. That one doesn't transform.
I can't remember if it was a custom or not, but I saw Movie Landmine in the guise of an AWE
I liked this one better
this is a great concept custom, and I can see hard work went into this, but it also looks like it is not 100% finished. This makes me want even more so that Hasbro pull the stick out of their backside and give us transforming GIjoe/COBRA vehicles!