Baroness hits ebay
I like to buy Toyfare as much as the next guy - for some enjoyable reading when I'm on my ummm throne. But what I don't like is the lack of coverage G.I. Joe gets. A few issues ago they had a one-pager on the cartoonist, and the issue with the AVAC on the cover barely had anything about G.I. Joe in it.Probably because GIJOE really isn't that big a thing in collecting circles, as much as we like to think otherwise....
Probably the smallest of the currently active major "nostalgia property" fanbases. All you have to do is look at the attendance of Joe Con compared to Bot Con or a Star Wars Celebration. Or the active membership of Joe collecting boards vs. other properties.
I like to buy Toyfare as much as the next guy - for some enjoyable reading when I'm on my ummm throne. But what I don't like is the lack of coverage G.I. Joe gets. A few issues ago they had a one-pager on the cartoonist, and the issue with the AVAC on the cover barely had anything about G.I. Joe in it.
Probably because GIJOE really isn't that big a thing in collecting circles, as much as we like to think otherwise....
She actually looks better than those early images we saw but not different enough from the 25th Anniversary to be worth buying this one.I don't mean to pick on you, but I think this is funny: Everyone seems to complain that the movie versions don't look enough like their "classic versions." Now we have at least one person saying it looks TOO much like its' classic version. @smilepunch@
Since that's not something I ever said i'm not sure why thats funny?????
I didn't say you did, I was just referring to people in general. Hence the reason I said "I don't mean to pick on you."
It's like Hasbro can't win for losing. Some people say they don't like them because they're too much like the classic designs, and the rest seem to say they don't like them because they aren't close enough to the classic designs. Unpleasable fanbase if ever there was one.
Blah...still not liking it. I'll be happily spending my money on vintage stuff once the movie line starts hitting shelves.
I'll check my comic shop tomorrow... I'm just glad it's a clear picture or people would be screaming "DEATH OF TEH LINE!!!!!"
Considering it looks that good that close up, it'll probably look great in hand, or when you see it in the stores.
I don't know how much movie stuff I'll be picking up but I'll probably get the Baroness at the very least, it would seem!
anyone have photos/scans of the inside joes, supposedly there are more pics inside of hawk, motor viper etc.
I like to buy Toyfare as much as the next guy - for some enjoyable reading when I'm on my ummm throne. But what I don't like is the lack of coverage G.I. Joe gets. A few issues ago they had a one-pager on the cartoonist, and the issue with the AVAC on the cover barely had anything about G.I. Joe in it.
Sure Baroness is big and bold on the cover, and the issue is themed "the year of G.I. Joe" but I bet we'll only get a half page spread with nothing new. I hope I'm proven wrong!
Well, I intended to buy it from the beginning so i'll be happy to buy the extras you guys don't want. Can never have enough female fodder!