In summary, it is a comic book so don't take it so seriously.
I didn't and usually don't but it is true a learned a little here. I'm curious though as someone who has seen combat would you rather someone who has more combat experience have Scarlet's position? It's true She could have it as Joe has always let women in roles they (from my understanding) couldn't have, so that point is probably moot for scarlet, but i do wonder.
Btw welcome aboard and God bless you for service (Despite your username) @smilepunch@
#2 I hear Scarlet's an X0 now? where is flint? how did a woman rank that high? her position is too high and it just plain bothers me.WOW. Misogynist much?
not really, realistic. How many woman do you know in the armed forces? officers? special ops? have combat experince? it's just highly unlikely a woman could rise to 2nd in command (and thats what it looks like) of America's top special forces group. Plus it t's me off cause that's Flint's Job. I would think you would want somebody with combat experince doing what she was doing.
I have great respect for woman, and anyone man or woman serving in the armed forces. Let's not fool ourselves though, generally men are built more combat that does not make us unequal, just different.
There are women Generals in the US military. The first one was promoted to General in 1970.
more on woman generals
Now I Know and Knowing is half the battle.
I sincerly never do but do recall the large deal that has been about women in combat and women attempting to complete schools like West Point, and it's counterparts in other branches. (which i know some have now although i don't know off the time of my head or which ones)
I would still prefer Flint in the role but i guess no argument can be made against scarlet other than questioning her field experience and since Joe has always broken that rule for the ladies i guess that i could work too.
She doesn't have to be a general or even an officer in order to hold the position she maintains. One of her MOS's is intelligence. In special forces, there is a job called intelligence sergeant (18Z) which is held by the most qualified sergeant on the team. Who deals with much of the planning of missions and directs how it actually goes down. I have said all this to reinforce the idea of Scarlett's role in the new G.I. Joe. In order to be on a quick reaction anti-terrorist she would have to gone a very long way to prove herself. As an airborne infantryman who has seen combat I can tell that only until one faces combat you can't tell who you want in the foxhole next to you. I have actually seen some men cower while a woman did the shooting. Women aren't in special operations because they aren't allowed. Personally, I would take Scarlett to war with me.
In summary, it is a comic book so don't take it so seriously.
I think Duke needs to say 'bro' more often.
#2 I hear Scarlet's an X0 now? where is flint? how did a woman rank that high? her position is too high and it just plain bothers me.WOW. Misogynist much?
not really, realistic. How many woman do you know in the armed forces? officers? special ops? have combat experince? it's just highly unlikely a woman could rise to 2nd in command (and thats what it looks like) of America's top special forces group. Plus it t's me off cause that's Flint's Job. I would think you would want somebody with combat experince doing what she was doing.
I have great respect for woman, and anyone man or woman serving in the armed forces. Let's not fool ourselves though, generally men are built more combat that does not make us unequal, just different.
There are women Generals in the US military. The first one was promoted to General in 1970.
more on woman generals
Now I Know and Knowing is half the battle.
I sincerly never do but do recall the large deal that has been about women in combat and women attempting to complete schools like West Point, and it's counterparts in other branches. (which i know some have now although i don't know off the time of my head or which ones)
I would still prefer Flint in the role but i guess no argument can be made against scarlet other than questioning her field experience and since Joe has always broken that rule for the ladies i guess that i could work too.
Okay, read the issue myself.
Did not care for it.
Artwork is uneven, no better or worse than the DDP first issue--though I do like some of the covers ( and the 2nd issue covers). Artist doing it sometimes can draw people well, and sometimes can't. Glad to see backgrounds in the book, and nice to see some of the toys drawn properly. Artist cannot draw guns very well.
The PITT looks dumb.
Based on the scale of the thing, GIJOE isn't a regiment sized unit any more, it looks like a division-sized outfit with all its support folks and infrastructure. This looks like an attempt to visualize something different and not really thinking the thing through properly.
Seems like an awful lot of army sitting around waiting for something to do--and since COBRA isn't a known threat at the start--the size of the Joes makes no sense.
Story is a quick read--seems very lightweight--took about 5 minutes to take in the whole book.
Story comes across as kind of dumb, while trying to sound like it knows what its talking about--which is often par for the course with a GIJOE title.
They bring some salvaged technology INTO the PITT to examine it, but then they mention offhandedly about making sure its "safe".....duuuuuuuuuuuuuh. Of course, its not.
Soooo.......these guys supposedly know their stuff.........but they get sloppy? I doubt its a story point that'll be addressed in the future--the book doesn't come across as if something like that will be followed up on in favour of the bigger plot points.
Summed up thoughts:
Is it wrong of me to have hoped for more? Its the same ol' dull, that's been done by Marvel, Dark Horse, and Devils Due. Same dull art, same dull stories. I'm not seeing anything new here, just the same fluff shuffled around in the hopes we think it looks new.
Yea, its nice to see some of the vehicles drawn what? There's little to no "hook" in this book. If it had come out from DDP seven years ago, it probably would have gotten a better reception looking as it does. But now........after seven years of Joe....its just more of the same DDP stuff.
Look, to me......if the book is supposed to be based on the toys.....then make the toys the centre of its Universe. Make the thing an orgy of the toys as done on steroids.......properly drawn, and showing them doing stuff that engages the mind. I keep thinking back to the ideal GIJOE story, the Michael Golden Yearbook #2 story with the October Guard. Golden took the toys and placed them into a context. He drew real weapons and rendered the characters in an appealing manner.
Its a level of detail and attention that , IMO, made the story more immersive and engaging because it made the tangible "stuff" of GIJOE larger than life.
This IDW comic is not quite doing that yet.
I'm probably not going to wait around to see if it does.
#2 I hear Scarlet's an X0 now? where is flint? how did a woman rank that high? her position is too high and it just plain bothers me.WOW. Misogynist much?
not really, realistic. How many woman do you know in the armed forces? officers? special ops? have combat experince? it's just highly unlikely a woman could rise to 2nd in command (and thats what it looks like) of America's top special forces group. Plus it t's me off cause that's Flint's Job. I would think you would want somebody with combat experince doing what she was doing.
I have great respect for woman, and anyone man or woman serving in the armed forces. Let's not fool ourselves though, generally men are built more combat that does not make us unequal, just different.
There are women Generals in the US military. The first one was promoted to General in 1970.
#2 I hear Scarlet's an X0 now? where is flint? how did a woman rank that high? her position is too high and it just plain bothers me.WOW. Misogynist much?
not really, realistic. How many woman do you know in the armed forces? officers? special ops? have combat experince? it's just highly unlikely a woman could rise to 2nd in command (and thats what it looks like) of America's top special forces group. Plus it t's me off cause that's Flint's Job. I would think you would want somebody with combat experince doing what she was doing.
I have great respect for woman, and anyone man or woman serving in the armed forces. Let's not fool ourselves though, generally men are built more combat that does not make us unequal, just different.
#2 I hear Scarlet's an X0 now? where is flint? how did a woman rank that high? her position is too high and it just plain bothers me.
WOW. Misogynist much?
I wonder how faithful it will remain to the marvel texts in terms of a storypoint....
It will not.
Forget the Marvel issues ever existed as far as this title goes, because this is a whole different publisher producing this comic.
I was really impressed with the zero issue, however this played off as way too grandiose. The Pit is a full underground city? Hovering robots? I wanted a special forces comic with a touch of adventure. This to me seemed too science fictiony. I think the tone of the Devil's Due series was more what I wanted to see, though I was really looking forward to something like GIJ: Reloaded. Of course, when Chuck Dixon took that over it really went downhill. I like his work elsewhere, but would prefer not to have him on this property.
Hopefully the Hama "origins" series next month, and future issues of this title, will allay my concerns.