You know, I might actually consider this set. I've got a Cobra Commander(Helment and in a dark brown clothing) V.S. Duke 2 pack from the Valor V.S. Vemon line, and I also got the Commander(Hooded, and in blue) V.S. Tripwire toy from the 25th Anniversity line. Was also temped to get the 25th Anniversity Jetpack Duke With U.S.A. Flag(Because it reminded me of the opening of the 1980's Animated Movie) but decided not to, since I'm okay with the Duke I have. And really, even if the 25th Anniversity verisons are cool, I didn't feel I need another verison of those 2 characters. For the figures I got, the Valor V.S. Vemon Duke sculpt looks like he's ready for combat(Reminds me of the single release Resolute Duke), while for the Commanders, 1 has a helment and a very dictator look, and the other is hooded and has a celimerial/royality look to him(Must be the cape).
I'm happy with the Valor V.S. Vemon set, and the Commander from the Tripwire set(And really, I have no problem mixing up my very small Joe collection), but the fact that these Resolute verisons of Duke and Commander look really good, plus some extra Cobra Forces(Including that BAT), is enough to have me interested. This Resolute Duke has a really cool Jet Pack and looks cool, and while probably won't become my default Duke, it's still a cool looking verison of the character for a speical mission. Resolute Commander meanwhile is really just that good looking and striking, regardless if it's blue(Like the regular release) or black(Like this Boxset release). But the black makes him look much evil and even more like a dictator and yet, still celimerial look to him(Again, it must be the cape, and this time combined with his long "Man Skirt").
For me in getting G.I. Joe figures in general, except for a few characters/figures(Scarlett and Destro for sure. Maybe the 2 ninjas as well, though that depends on how they look), I usually try to avoid getting multiple verisons of the same character, unless that character has a couple of different but cool looks that I feel I really need to get. And with the way Duke and Commander look like plus the Cobra forces, I think I'm really going to consider getting this pack. Never actually thought I'd be really thinking about getting another Duke at least(To be fair though, depending on how the upcoming Rise Of Cobra Movie verison of Commander is going to look like, I'd think there is a chance of me picking up the Movie Commander).
I can see them being Crimson Guard recruits or something. Definantly like CC, Duke isn't too shabby though I prefer his original color scheme
I'm in, but i'm already wondering if anyone will be willing to trade a red trooper for a bat from the set? people seem divided on the troop builders. I however love the bat most, then duke, the rest are inda of filler or fodder for me.
Have to say that picking up this set is a guarantee in my book the Duke looks awesome, the Commander has some great visual appeal, and honestly the Crimson Troopers look great to me, like maybe a subsect of the Crimson Guard or something. I'm not 100% on what it is I like but I think they look good, the BAT i don't really care about but its always nice to add to my Cobra Army.
That Duke is the only thing that's gonna hook me into buying this set.
Man that actually looks pretty cool.
I would of bought this set if it wasn't for the red trooper and the officer. Wish they were black, gray or blue
Resolute Duke seems to be the pinnacle right now. Since he's much better than the original, especially with those lame arms. Commander looks good in black. However, I don't know if I can get used to the crimson trooper. Maybe he should have been renamed Crimson Guardsman or somehing
For some reason, I took a second gander at duke, and the Silver Hawks sprang to mind. It's been a long week lol.
I am still liking the Cobra Commander, but now I am liking the duke figure all decked out. Still not liking the troops, and can take or leave the BAT. If price point is around $20, I'll bite. Anything over $25, I will have to hold off on. I mean come on, they are mostly going to be a box of repaints.