it looks like Hasbro got a completely different team to make the movie figures... they just don't look like they mesh with the 25th stuff at all
well I have to admit that I'm liking these figures. At the very least they would make good custom parts, I'd bet someone will make a Master Chief custom with the power armor.
Hawk can be used as an update to Flint
Baroness is looking pretty good beats the 25th versions at least I think, it will amaze me if she manages to get around very well with those high heels
Heavy Duty, there's no doubt hes a heavy weapons guy with that gigantic Gatling gun the figure isn't to bad either I'll be curious how tall he is compared to the others
Ripcord's body can be used elsewhere (master chief custom maybe) and the head could be a Stalker update, I just can't see replacing my original Ripcord figure so the Waynes Ripcord will just be a new character or be turned into custom fodder
Duke I think looks pretty good to, and he looks different enough that he can be a seperate character if need be
I'm really baffled about the holsters, or lack of, but I guess since it is supposed to be a futuristic setting they could have come up with clips or magnetic something or others to hold the weapons.
I might get some. Baroness is cool looking. So is Ripcord. The suits sound silly for a movie, but look cool on the figures. I'll probably use him as someone else and not Ripcord though.
Well, looks like I will be saving some money this summer..
What's that thing on Duke's leg? They couldn't do a holster? They just stuck the gun on?
I'll pass!
They look decent, but I have yet to see anything that has me really interested in collecting this line. So far the only things that I've seen that I considering buying is the Night Raven, Cobra Hummer and Hawk (and only because he's my favorite character).
I like em enough, i'll bite
wow those are craptastic
they're awsome 0w0