Wow I love the raven! Glad to see it being made. I like that black Cobra truck but it needs biger guns.
I think they look alright. May be worth buying when they're marked down or something.
Big pass for me. They look cool, but just dont fit into my collecting style. I almost thought about getting the raven, but saw that video and heard the lame generic sound affects. Plus that thing packs a $40 price tag. sheesh
Big pass for me. They look cool, but just dont fit into my collecting style. I almost thought about getting the raven, but saw that video and heard the lame generic sound affects. Plus that thing packs a $40 price tag. sheesh
Armored Panther w/Thunder(blast): I always liked the size of the Armadillo, even if the vehicle itself was unrealisitic. the missile launchers don't hurt it that much. But its nice to get a 25th Thunder.
Mole Pod w/Terra Viper: A total pass. What makes sense? having that big drill spin. What doesn't? Having a missile in the end of a giant drill. The funky Croc Master repaint really isn't that bad, but the figure doesn't make up for the craptastic vehicle.
Rockslide A.T.A.V. w/Snow Job: I actually kinda like it....wait, are those missiles MOLDED ON? WTF? Snow Job looks ok with the green.
Snake Trax A.T.V. w/Scrap Iron: How come Scrap Iron doesn't have the scars like the other two version? Snake Trax? They couldn't find a lamer name for it? I actually don't mind the color, but it woulda been nice to see what that big ass thing on the side did.
Cobra Gunship w/Firefly: "Gunship"? What kind of name is "Gunship"? Why not make it the movie version of the F.A.N.G. or something? Well, beyond the name....what the hell IS it? I mean is it looks like it should have propellors.... And Firefly? Yawn. He might make a good Heli-Viper or something. I actually kinda like it though.
Ice Dagger w/Frostbite "2": "2"? When did we get "1"? The Ice Saber...Dagger is just a repaint, so no big deal, but Frostbite is a big disappointment. Hell, first pics, I thought he was a Cobra.
Steel Crusher APV w/Nitro Viper: Wait, they couldn't get MOTOR VIPER as a name? WTF? The vehicle reminds me of the Jackhammer from M.A.S.K. It really doesn't say "Cobra" to me. It looks more like a government vehicle then something Cobra would use. As for the Motor Nitro-Viper, I think I see an Alley Viper in that head.
Night Raven w/Strato-Viper: I'm glad a "correct color" version of the Strato Viper comes in a cheaper set (IF we see it). It will be interesting to see what all the features are. that's small. I bet then Conquest X-30 is bigger.
actually turning the Raven into a pump action shotgun of sortswas pretty clever while not ruining the vehicle. I think kids will find that feature really fun while still giving homage to us collectors. Good thinking Hasbro!
The Raven and the Hummer are still on my to get list. I don't mind the handle on the Raven, although I think it's kind of silly and unnecessary.
The Gunship would be more interesting if it were just a bit bigger (and thus a good "Squad transport"). As it stands, it basically becomes a "VIP Ferry."
I like the Night Raven. The Hummer might be pretty cool depending on how many figures can fit in it.
PITT is too big and too expensive for my space/budget, but it looks all right once a closer look is taken at it.
Everything else ranges from "meh" (Mole Pod) to "maybe" (Rock Slide).
I'm actually interested in the Gunship.
Sorry, but this crap looks like stuff from The Corps, or worse yet that crap at Toys R Us. I'll admit not every Joe vehicle was great, but the Night Raven was one of the best, and this is a pale imitation.
The weird Ferret is okay, but the old one really should have been done by now for the 25th.
That PITT, while a nod to the old days of vehicle/bases, is pretty dumb looking when they could have easily just re-released the Mobile Command Center (again) or General and saved themselves some design expense.
The Cobra Hummer is okay although fairly generic.
The Mole is okay but drill machines went out in the 60s, and Gi Joe is still a ripoff of the Thunderbirds anyway, so this just makes it official.
The new Battle Bear is lame.
The Gunship looks like part of the ROCC or RHINO.
The Armadillo is about as synonymous with GI Joe as the Sky Hawk, but it seems somehow they can't figure out how Thunder's helmet works. The Slugger was too simple to make I guess.
It's clear they will do the same thing like Transformers and make stuff not in the film, which is good since it means they can dig up old stuff and still sell it as movie junk, meaning wide distribution.