As for the "Robo Joe" figure, it's probably certain to come out in 3 3/4" scale. It's "Duke in Accelerator Suit" from what I understand and we're already getting Ripcord in a little paint touch-up and a headswap later....instant re-release!
I hadn't even noticed the Ripcord Accelerator suit figure yet. Went thru the pics again and there he was. Simple head swap is right.
I've been searching around, looking thru other Hasbro action figure lines, seeing if I could spot this weapon included in another line, thinking maybe it was just a cheap quick add-on for the movie line stuff? Haven't found anything yet. That round tab on the bottom of it seems weird though, and maybe it is for some later attachment to a vehicle? If not, I wouldn't be surprised, since such odditites have been common with the line. Gimmick stuff, like these light up, launcher type gizmo's from the D.E.F. series back in the 90's: (link)Those are in that "box" as well.
I don't think it belongs to any other line. Sadly these launchers do look like they're being newly-tooled for this line. I'm sort-of hoping that round tab does mean it hooks up to a vehicle somehow (A lot like the DTC/"Robot Rebellion" stuff works together). Though even then I'm still not too likely to use 'em.
Oh, I know! Maybe they all combine together to form Joe-Tron!
As for the "Robo Joe" figure, it's probably certain to come out in 3 3/4" scale. It's "Duke in Accelerator Suit" from what I understand and we're already getting Ripcord in a little paint touch-up and a headswap later....instant re-release!
glad you mentioned robot rebellion. I was wondering if this did hook up to the vehicles if they were cast aways from that line failed line. Y'know we likely have seen some of those parts w/o realizing it since then.
As long as the missles were detachable the never bothered me, i mean honestly i loved those things as a kid.
I've been searching around, looking thru other Hasbro action figure lines, seeing if I could spot this weapon included in another line, thinking maybe it was just a cheap quick add-on for the movie line stuff? Haven't found anything yet. That round tab on the bottom of it seems weird though, and maybe it is for some later attachment to a vehicle? If not, I wouldn't be surprised, since such odditites have been common with the line. Gimmick stuff, like these light up, launcher type gizmo's from the D.E.F. series back in the 90's: (link)Those are in that "box" as well.
I don't think it belongs to any other line. Sadly these launchers do look like they're being newly-tooled for this line. I'm sort-of hoping that round tab does mean it hooks up to a vehicle somehow (A lot like the DTC/"Robot Rebellion" stuff works together). Though even then I'm still not too likely to use 'em.
Oh, I know! Maybe they all combine together to form Joe-Tron!
As for the "Robo Joe" figure, it's probably certain to come out in 3 3/4" scale. It's "Duke in Accelerator Suit" from what I understand and we're already getting Ripcord in a little paint touch-up and a headswap later....instant re-release!
Look, at it. she can't even HOLD the thing. Are these things suposed to be vehicle mounted (ala sound attack)?
I've got a big box just FULL of these very types of spring-loaded rocket launchers. They've never served any useful or practical purpose in union with the actual figures themselves, other than to give a child the option of having something that actually SHOOTS! I just toss'em in the box.
True. At least they aren't physically attached lol. But I mean, take a look at the B.A.T. that came in the "Arise Serpentor Arise" DVD pack. The missile launcher there was actually hand held. These things are dramatically oversized for some reason.
Hell, look at a lot of TFs that have launchers. Some of those are actually pretty small.
l would not be suprised if the launcher that comes with the toys is a gimmick that forms a baf or an extra gun that can be attatched to vechicles. BEcause the gun handle can pop in and out of the launcher, I would think that the huge circle piece can attatch 2 something else.
I was thinking that too. I think they would have put that "on display". Cover Girl was just a rather extreme example. The other figures actually have handles that, appear, they can fit in the figure's hands. It is just that they are so ginormous the figure can't DO anything with them.
If you have a problem with members expressing a complaint about toys and movies, then by all means, take YOUR own advice, and take it to PM's...instead of trying to embarrass and mock their opinions publicly. It's one thing to offer an opposing opinion or perspective on any given issue of discussion or topic. but you're RIGHT, I've seen you in action before, and I don't care for the style, never have and never will. You're not the first with it and likely won't be the last, but you cause more disruptions and agitation than you do anything more civil and respectful of others. You don't come here with the intentions of joining in and being an equal part of the community, you seem to only want to be here to lecture and poke holes in emotionally based opinions on toys and movies.You keep pointing out issues of post counts, and ideas of me having some delusions of grander (or "superiority") over it, and you couldn't be more WRONG! It only shows your own arrogance and need to be in THAT very position yourself, and that such a status WOULD, in fact, be important to YOU, to be even MORE loud and obnoxious with others. I don't even give such trival BS a second thought.
If you're going to attack others (please note the word "ATTACK") on their personal opinions about toys...then I'm going to call you out on it, until you lose the attitude or get lost. Just ratchet down the pompous attitude and we'll be fine.
You just might want to hit that "ignore" button now, because I'm unlikely to change. I'll make an effort to be more polite about it, but I'm not going to stop offering those "opposing perspectives" to you or anyone else I disagree with.
Okay then tough guy.....have it your way!
I've got a big box just FULL of these very types of spring-loaded rocket launchers. They've never served any useful or practical purpose in union with the actual figures themselves, other than to give a child the option of having something that actually SHOOTS! I just toss'em in the box.
These launchers are even worse than doesn't look like there's any way whatsoever for the figures to hold onto them, and even if they could, they're so ridiculously oversized that it'd just look silly. Yeah, likely just getting tossed in a box, unless they have some kind of vehicle interactivity or something.
I've been searching around, looking thru other Hasbro action figure lines, seeing if I could spot this weapon included in another line, thinking maybe it was just a cheap quick add-on for the movie line stuff? Haven't found anything yet. That round tab on the bottom of it seems weird though, and maybe it is for some later attachment to a vehicle? If not, I wouldn't be surprised, since such odditites have been common with the line. Gimmick stuff, like these light up, launcher type gizmo's from the D.E.F. series back in the 90's: (link)
Those are in that "box" as well.
Sure, but I expect them to do a better job 16 years later (ie. make them smaller).
"Come quietly or there will be.. TROUBLE!"Now where's ED-209?
WOW!! I truly thought that was a Robocop toy?
I've since discovered it was a 12" figure from the new G.I.Joe movie, but does anyone know if it's suppose to make it in 3 3/4" form? That would certainly amke a nice looking Robo Joe figure for the scale.
If you have a problem with members expressing a complaint about toys and movies, then by all means, take YOUR own advice, and take it to PM's...instead of trying to embarrass and mock their opinions publicly. It's one thing to offer an opposing opinion or perspective on any given issue of discussion or topic. but you're RIGHT, I've seen you in action before, and I don't care for the style, never have and never will. You're not the first with it and likely won't be the last, but you cause more disruptions and agitation than you do anything more civil and respectful of others. You don't come here with the intentions of joining in and being an equal part of the community, you seem to only want to be here to lecture and poke holes in emotionally based opinions on toys and movies.You keep pointing out issues of post counts, and ideas of me having some delusions of grander (or "superiority") over it, and you couldn't be more WRONG! It only shows your own arrogance and need to be in THAT very position yourself, and that such a status WOULD, in fact, be important to YOU, to be even MORE loud and obnoxious with others. I don't even give such trival BS a second thought.
If you're going to attack others (please note the word "ATTACK") on their personal opinions about toys...then I'm going to call you out on it, until you lose the attitude or get lost. Just ratchet down the pompous attitude and we'll be fine.
You just might want to hit that "ignore" button now, because I'm unlikely to change. I'll make an effort to be more polite about it, but I'm not going to stop offering those "opposing perspectives" to you or anyone else I disagree with.
Okay then tough guy.....have it your way!
I've got a big box just FULL of these very types of spring-loaded rocket launchers. They've never served any useful or practical purpose in union with the actual figures themselves, other than to give a child the option of having something that actually SHOOTS! I just toss'em in the box.
These launchers are even worse than doesn't look like there's any way whatsoever for the figures to hold onto them, and even if they could, they're so ridiculously oversized that it'd just look silly. Yeah, likely just getting tossed in a box, unless they have some kind of vehicle interactivity or something.
I've been searching around, looking thru other Hasbro action figure lines, seeing if I could spot this weapon included in another line, thinking maybe it was just a cheap quick add-on for the movie line stuff? Haven't found anything yet. That round tab on the bottom of it seems weird though, and maybe it is for some later attachment to a vehicle? If not, I wouldn't be surprised, since such odditites have been common with the line. Gimmick stuff, like these light up, launcher type gizmo's from the D.E.F. series back in the 90's: (link)
Those are in that "box" as well.
Look, at it. she can't even HOLD the thing. Are these things suposed to be vehicle mounted (ala sound attack)?
I've got a big box just FULL of these very types of spring-loaded rocket launchers. They've never served any useful or practical purpose in union with the actual figures themselves, other than to give a child the option of having something that actually SHOOTS! I just toss'em in the box.
True. At least they aren't physically attached lol. But I mean, take a look at the B.A.T. that came in the "Arise Serpentor Arise" DVD pack. The missile launcher there was actually hand held. These things are dramatically oversized for some reason.
Hell, look at a lot of TFs that have launchers. Some of those are actually pretty small.
l would not be suprised if the launcher that comes with the toys is a gimmick that forms a baf or an extra gun that can be attatched to vechicles. BEcause the gun handle can pop in and out of the launcher, I would think that the huge circle piece can attatch 2 something else.
See, Figg? Can o' worms!What have I done?
Sparked a healthy, spirited discussion. Go back to sleep.
Oh, I'm just being silly as I usually am.
As far as the Ripcord being black, I don't care. Seriously. To me it's as silly as if someone where to complain that the guy playing Storm Shadow is Korean instead of Japanese (or Japanese-American).
Wayans is playing American, that's all. Some people loved Duncan as Kingpin (I thought he was great), some couldn't get past the fact he was black, some didn't like him in the role for another reason. To anyone that didn't like Duncan as Kingpin let me ask this: Name one (1) white actor who would have been better in the role?
That is a little bit of apples to oranges as there's many an actor out there who'd be better at playing Ripcord than Wayans, but not because he's black, but because he's a sucky actor. IMO anyway.
Does that make sense?
I personally don't care that Storm Shadow is played by a Korean guy and didn't know that ppl would care. However, there are some ppl who does care, especially those who aren't asian americans. Because there is history between the various countries in Asia, some people take offense if an asian actor of a different nationally plays a character of another, especially if the character is a progtanoist or important in history. Our society groups all asians as one (i.e. people call all asian ppl chinese), so it is quite harder for someone to understand why some people make a big deal out of it.
For instance, Memoirs of a Geisha movie was controversal for both japanese and chinese ppl over in Asia because of the actress playing the lead role is chinese. Also, the new John Woo film, Red Cliff(which will most likely not be released here) replaced the japanese actor from Batman Begins to a chinese actor after getting negative replies from people in China who believes that a chinese person should play an important historical chinese leader.
This isn't just Asian, By the way, as there are other groups in America who would get upset if one actor of another group plays a character of a different group. When Hollywood was makin a movie based on Mexican singer, Salina, her family was critized by Mexicans for havin a Puerto Rican actress J. Lo to play Salina.
Even though I can see why people would get upset over it, I am not bothered by it since I have no ill will to people of different nationalities.
I am forunate that I didn't grew up hating ppl of different nationalities are raised to hate another asian group just because of somethin that happened decades or centuries a`go..
As for one of Wayan siblings playin Ripcord, I think a lot of people are more upset over the actor's talent more than the actor's skin colour. People tend to typecast actors in thinkin that they can only play one role. Seein how Marion Wayans played characters who are of the comical refief types, they are frighten that his version of Ripcord might be goofy and comical.
I am sure that they are some who cares about Ripcord's being of a different race in the movie, but they tend to be hardcore joe fans that doesn't like change. I would think these same ppl would also have a problem with the Neo Vipers not lookin like the cartoons and Cobra Commander being played by the kid from "Third Rock from the Sun."
Because this is a movie adaption and I have no attatchments to Ripcord, I could care less that he is of a different race.
If you have a problem with members expressing a complaint about toys and movies, then by all means, take YOUR own advice, and take it to PM's...instead of trying to embarrass and mock their opinions publicly. It's one thing to offer an opposing opinion or perspective on any given issue of discussion or topic. but you're RIGHT, I've seen you in action before, and I don't care for the style, never have and never will. You're not the first with it and likely won't be the last, but you cause more disruptions and agitation than you do anything more civil and respectful of others. You don't come here with the intentions of joining in and being an equal part of the community, you seem to only want to be here to lecture and poke holes in emotionally based opinions on toys and movies.You keep pointing out issues of post counts, and ideas of me having some delusions of grander (or "superiority") over it, and you couldn't be more WRONG! It only shows your own arrogance and need to be in THAT very position yourself, and that such a status WOULD, in fact, be important to YOU, to be even MORE loud and obnoxious with others. I don't even give such trival BS a second thought.
If you're going to attack others (please note the word "ATTACK") on their personal opinions about toys...then I'm going to call you out on it, until you lose the attitude or get lost. Just ratchet down the pompous attitude and we'll be fine.
You just might want to hit that "ignore" button now, because I'm unlikely to change. I'll make an effort to be more polite about it, but I'm not going to stop offering those "opposing perspectives" to you or anyone else I disagree with.
Anyway, hopefully moving on:
laugh.gifI've got a big box just FULL of these very types of spring-loaded rocket launchers. They've never served any useful or practical purpose in union with the actual figures themselves, other than to give a child the option of having something that actually SHOOTS! I just toss'em in the box.
These launchers are even worse than doesn't look like there's any way whatsoever for the figures to hold onto them, and even if they could, they're so ridiculously oversized that it'd just look silly. Yeah, likely just getting tossed in a box, unless they have some kind of vehicle interactivity or something.
I'm just wondering if Ripcord will survive the movie.
Do you really want to know?
Yeah, you're right too VH; it's ALL speculation at this point. I guess fans either like what they see so far or they don't. And I think BOTH opinions matter quite frankly. I can see where some fans hate the sci-fi slant the whole thing seems to have. And they don't like the changes that have been made to some characters. But I also understand where other fans think it's a fresh and interesting take on the mythos. I happen to be one of the latter, BUT...that doesn't mean I think other fans' opinions are invalid. Everyone's entitled to their opinion of course. Some have a good opinion of it, some bad. But it's just someone's opinion. It's not right or wrong.
I'm just wondering if Ripcord will survive the movie.