now this is good news. lookin forward 2 it. real guns. people dying. i jus hope da writing n voice acting isnt as horrible as sigma six.
Best Joe news I've heard in a while!
I'm looking forward to this too. I thought it would be swept under the rug, honestly.
I never had cable since I moved into my apt. and I really don't miss it. I'll just camp out at my parent's house and make sure the VCR is set while I'm at it. Yes, some still use VCRs.
To be honest, I was more excited about this than the live-action movie. Its cool that its just going to be released in its entireity.....I hate mini-episode things.
I'm looking forward to the 25th and my DVR will be set!!!!!
it looks amazing, unfortantely i don't have cable right now and likely won't by then. So hopefully it heads to DVD quickly.My worry is that it got this time slot and no promotions up till now because it is already considered a flop.
It's called torrent. Download it.
I don't trust that stuff.. you get viruses that way.
But I am sure you can watch it on the adultswim website or youtube
I swear by torrents. I've used it daily for years and never got a virus. The quality of videos on youtube is in a horrible resolution. Torrents looks great. Plus can download it commercial free.
man i cant wait for this.
Finally some good news this week. Everybody in hub-bub about this dumb Wonder Twins set and what not.
I believe its legit. It looks like its going to be shown as a full 1-hour episode instead of breaking it up in the original 5 min micro episodes and it will be on at Midnight the 25th. Hasbro had always intended to try and get it on Adult Swim but originally it was going to start off as a Internet Micro series. My guess is CN wanted to debut it first which is fine with me. I would much rather watch it in one sitting than individual 5 min episodies.
totally agree! I would rather see a nice hour long episode on a HD LCD TV than on my computer monitor lol.
For those who missed it the first time or want to see it again, click here to see the leaked preview from SDCC last year.
I believe its legit. It looks like its going to be shown as a full 1-hour episode instead of breaking it up in the original 5 min micro episodes and it will be on at Midnight the 25th. Hasbro had always intended to try and get it on Adult Swim but originally it was going to start off as a Internet Micro series. My guess is CN wanted to debut it first which is fine with me. I would much rather watch it in one sitting than individual 5 min episodies.