2010 G.I. Joe Convention - Black Major, Red Shadow & Flint

by Outsiders
February 13, 2010
The G.I. Joe Collectors Club is showing off a sneak preview of three new figures to go with their 3 3/4" Red Shadows box set which is available for purchase from the 2010 G.I. Joe Convention. This years convention is taking place in Providence, RI from April 29 - May 2, 2010.

The three figures shown are Red Shadows Commander: Black Major, Red Shadows Pyro-Troopers with red torches and G.I. Joe Warrant Officer: Flint.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
pesatyel - 2010-02-21 @ 4:50 am

Is that guy in black a Corps figure?

no he's from action force


I was joking. The figure just seems so bland...like a corpse figure.

PhoenixSword - 2010-02-21 @ 4:44 am

Is that guy in black a Corps figure?

he does kinda look like that corps figure that had the eye patch though lol

spystreak - 2010-02-21 @ 4:37 am

Is that guy in black a Corps figure?

no he's from action force


pesatyel - 2010-02-21 @ 1:05 am

Is that guy in black a Corps figure?

spystreak - 2010-02-19 @ 4:33 am

not doesn't look like a red shadow to me the best looking one in the set is the black major this is what the shadow should have looked like

the flame troopers are just one half of the pack. the other 6 figures haven't been shown yet so we might still see these

im loving their head sculpt. its like an arah claws

i hope so

PhoenixSword - 2010-02-19 @ 2:52 am

Wow it does not help that those are Oring style figs to begin with, but those are HORRIBLE! Worst con figs I think they have done yet.


I'd say the 25th crimson vipers were the worst con set ever lol

PhoenixSword - 2010-02-19 @ 2:49 am

not doesn't look like a red shadow to me the best looking one in the set is the black major this is what the shadow should have looked like

the flame troopers are just one half of the pack. the other 6 figures haven't been shown yet so we might still see these

im loving their head sculpt. its like an arah claws

Dragonrider1227 - 2010-02-19 @ 1:59 am

Honestly, I think what we got is better :/

If you ask me, I think it'd be awesome if the set had Action Man considering The Red Shadows come from Action Force, it'd be a nice nod

spystreak - 2010-02-18 @ 7:44 pm

not doesn't look like a red shadow to me the best looking one in the set is the black major this is what the shadow should have looked like

spystreak - 2010-02-18 @ 7:42 pm

not doesn't look like a red shadow to me the best looking one in the set is the black major this is what the shadow should have looked like

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