We got two questions back this month from the folks at Hasbro for this round of the G.I.Joe Q&A.
TNI: The new BBTS 7-packs are very cool, but it does seem to highlight the glaring hole many who missed out on the previous SDCC exclusive Sgt. Slaughter and Zarana figures might have in their collections right now. So much so it might cause some to pass on these sets. Any thought to re-offering those figures to collectors, maybe even through a etailer like you are doing with the 7-packs?
Hasbro: There are currently no plans to re-offer these figures, but you never know.
TNI: We've heard rumors the Kwinn figure shown at JoeCon last year was likely going to become some kind of con exclusive figure in 2012. Can you confirm this and let us know which convention it is being considered for?
Hasbro: Kwinn has been tooled and designed, but there is currently no set plan for where he will live. He will definitely make it out there eventually!
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