G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation TV SPOT #1 - BIG GAME

by Jay Cochran
February 1, 2012
Apple has released the new G.I. Joe Retaliation TV spot that will appear during Sunday's Super Bowl on NBC. Check it out below.

Release Date: Jun 29, 2012
Director: Jon M. Chu
Cast: D.J. Cotrona, Byung-hun Lee, Ray Park, Adrianne Palicki, Jonathan Pryce, RZA, Ray Stevenson, Channing Tatum with Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson

Plus check out this new still image from the spot giving us a look at Cobra Commander and Firefly.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JoeRhyno - 2012-02-07 @ 10:18 pm

I wanna see a remix of this one, the French one and the first one, with the first one's music.

Eric - 2012-02-06 @ 5:31 am

Dang... that Firefly pic is awesome. Looks like I am going to have to eat my words from when we saw the first trailer.

If they keep on making characters look like Firefly and CC do, I might have to go see this one on opening day

That's what stood out most for me, too. Firefly isn't even my most favorite (he's up there, though), but he just looked awesome.

That's how these movies and movies like them need to be: don't change everything just for the sake of changing them. Give us what made us love these properties in the first place.

I thought the first movie was pretty bad outside of the Storm Shadow/Snake Eyes stuff, but I'm excited for this one big time.

CLAM - 2012-02-03 @ 5:22 am

As long as that music isn't in the film I'm not bothered.

I hope it's not either.. Rap crap usually dumbs down a movie... or I should say, you usually only hear rap in dumb movies.

I actually can't recall rap music being on the soundtrack of any high quality films...

anybody want to help me out?

I don't even want to open this Pandora's box of a flame war waiting to happen. @smilepunch@ .........I for one am a big fan of movies that have original scores in them.......as in a orchestra or some other type of original music in it. But for scenes like this one I'm fine with it......I'm assuming its just used in this scene...they are listening to some tunes while going back to base or into battle. I'm fine with it......it wouldn't bother me if it was Metallica either....its a movie. (Maybe Rascal Flatts would piss me off @loll@ ). I don't remember ever hearing anyone complain because Arnold and the commandos from "Predator" were listening to "Long Tall Sally" by Little Richard when they were entering the jungle by Huey's either.

lol.. what you think I am gonna say?? "Anybody that listens to rap music is stupid!" lol.. nah. I used to like rap back when I was in jr.high and highschool... but I think that the entire hip hop culture really kinda .. I don't know what I want to say.. kinda degraded into superficial nonsense and filth. It seems like the main messages prevalent in hip hop music today are the importance of wealth (and showing it off), promiscuity, and instructing people how to do certain dance moves. And of course repeating the same lyrics over and over and taking music from much more talented people and inserting it into your own "songs".. I grew out of rap when I started becoming an adult in highschool.. I don't know, I would like to think that I have developed a taste for music with more substance... (this was also the time I started getting into literature more... and rap music just kinda seemed stupid to me) and then my taste just changed entirely over time to where I also really appreciate "real MUSIC" much more than anything done by some guy sitting at a soundboard in a studio. I like instruments and I appreciate the skill and time it takes to be able to play them.. and the sound of a real instrument is just more pleasing in general to me...

That's not to say that I don't like the sound of any hip hop or pop stuff... and I can definitely understand why somebody likes hip hop stuff.. I mean no offense.. I still like the sound and rhythm of it... And I am certain that you could tell me about plenty of rappers that actually have something to say in their lyrics... but I can't muddle through the rest of the muck to find it. I just can't stand most of the mainstream stuff put out today.

I still like alot of the old school stuff though.. and I can't deny that I still love the beats of hip hop music. If you put on a rap song really loud at a party, chances are you will find me dancing to it... but if I am sitting in my car and actually listening to the lyrics, I can't stand it.

I am down with rap music being in a movie if it is representing the character and what he is listening to in the actual movie. So if Roadlock wants to listen to JayZ, fine, put it in the movie.. lol... But I don't like rap being used for the purpose of being background music for the audience's "enjoyment"

But you could say that about any genre of films.......also the White Stripes cover that was in the first trailer was a Hip-Hop/Rap styled Re-mix..........by The Glitch Mob

I would hardly call that WHite Stripes remix hip-hop or rap... it's nothing like Hip Hop to me. It's more like electronica/club/euro trash/techno rock... and I looked at the Glitch Mob's other stuff, and it seems that they mostly remix rock music.. even indie Rock. They aren't hip hop or rap (IMO) Unless you have heard some other stuff I am not finding

On a side note.. I just saw "Drive" for the first time last night.. and I LOVED it. that movie is badass for so many reasons. Right when the movie started with Ryan Gosling driving on a job with this funky song I have never heard playin in the background, I knew it was something COOLER than what we usually get. And I was pleasantly surprised at how well the director and music director worked together. It has several kinda "underground" songs in it that fit the movie really well. And there is also an original score throughout. It just really helped to develope the style and mood of the movie and make it all very unique. I highly recommend it to all.

yojoebro82 - 2012-02-03 @ 4:30 am

I'm not worried about the music. If anything they'll play it during the closing credits, by then who cares? Just something they use to get the attention of non-fans.

RobbieDigital - 2012-02-03 @ 3:34 am

As long as that music isn't in the film I'm not bothered.

I hope it's not either.. Rap crap usually dumbs down a movie... or I should say, you usually only hear rap in dumb movies.

I actually can't recall rap music being on the soundtrack of any high quality films...

anybody want to help me out?

I don't even want to open this Pandora's box of a flame war waiting to happen. @smilepunch@ .........I for one am a big fan of movies that have original scores in them.......as in a orchestra or some other type of original music in it. But for scenes like this one I'm fine with it......I'm assuming its just used in this scene...they are listening to some tunes while going back to base or into battle. I'm fine with it......it wouldn't bother me if it was Metallica either....its a movie. (Maybe Rascal Flatts would piss me off @loll@ ). I don't remember ever hearing anyone complain because Arnold and the commandos from "Predator" were listening to "Long Tall Sally" by Little Richard when they were entering the jungle by Huey's either.

But as someone that is a Jay-Z fan.........I'm puzzled by the use of THIS song....yeah the words have meaning in this context but the song is one of his obscure ones....not a hit by any means....so they aren't casting a wide net so to speak with using that song. Its not like that song is going to catch peoples attention that are watching the Super Bowl at a party over the noise of people talking or anything. Its puzzling to someone that is a big Joe fan and Jay-Z/hip-hop fan.........so you're guess is as good as mine?? When I first saw it I was like "Wha?" that music was an awful pick........

But you could say that about any genre of films.......also the White Stripes cover that was in the first trailer was a Hip-Hop/Rap styled Re-mix..........by The Glitch Mob

CLAM - 2012-02-03 @ 2:25 am

As long as that music isn't in the film I'm not bothered.

I hope it's not either.. Rap crap usually dumbs down a movie... or I should say, you usually only hear rap in dumb movies.

I actually can't recall rap music being on the soundtrack of any high quality films...

anybody want to help me out?

Dark Horse - 2012-02-03 @ 12:39 am

As long as that music isn't in the film I'm not bothered.

RobbieDigital - 2012-02-03 @ 12:15 am

I'm a huge Jay-Z fan......but I have to admit the music does not go with what we are seeing on screen. That song is from 2004 too, it's not recent by any means. There are at least 10 other Jay-Z songs that are much more upbeat than that one, but it's the song that Roadblock was quoting.

CLAM - 2012-02-02 @ 3:52 pm

yeah.. the music sucked for this one.. the last trailer got you pumped

it's funny what a big difference the music makes if you really pay attention.. I just watched them both again..

the first one is like ... Ooooh.. this movie is gonna be badass..

the second one is like ooooh.. this movie is gonna be stupid and cheesy (and I am actually more excited for the movie now that I have seen the figures)... the music just sucks that bad

KindredMac - 2012-02-02 @ 3:25 pm

When the first trailer came out my wife, of all people, was really excited for this movie.

We watched this trailer together last night and she said that if she saw this one first then she would have no want whatsoever to see the movie.

Make better choices Hollywood in your editing and music choices....

But I can see why they picked the JayZ song... It's a SuperBowl commercial... Gotta appeal to lower brain functioning masses.

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