G.I.Joe Retaliation Vehicle & Figure Hi-Res Images

by Jay Cochran
February 3, 2012
We have been showing you small images for the last few days, now check out hi-res images for Hasbro's upcoming G.I.Joe Retaliation figures and vehicles below in our GALLERY. Shown are the following items:

- Roadblock
- Snake Eyes
- Cobra Commander
- Duke
- Storm Shadow
- Red Ninja
- Zartan
- Cobra Trooper
- GIJoe Trooper

- Road Retaliator w/ Flint
- Wheel Blaster Bike w/ Firefly
- Ninja Speed Cylce with Snake Eyes
- Ninja Commando 4x4 - Snake Eyes
- Cobra FangBoat w/ Swamp Viper
- GI Joe Tread Ripper Tank w Clutch
- Ninja Combat Cruiser
- H.I.S.S. Tank
- Ghost Hawk II w Duke

Figure 3-Packs:
- Ninja Showdown Set
- Ninja Dojo Battle

- Snake Eyes Ninja Commando
- Roadblock Ninja Commando

SDCC Exclusives:
- San Diego Comic Con: Kim Arashikage
- San Diego Comic Con: Kim Arashikage(Variant)
- San Diego Comic Con Shockwave HISS Tank

Look for all of these to start hitting shelves in March 2012 and stay tuned for more G.I.Joe reveals and coverage of the 2011 New York Toy Fair which begins next Saturday February 11.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
RecklessEndangerment - 2012-02-05 @ 2:28 am

Someone said the T crotch was in "celebration" of the 10th anniversary of those T crotch two packs that came out that everyone forgot about once Hasbro started making Joes cool again.


I'm not saying this makes it righ, but look at the vehicle drivers that hasbro released with it's Captain America and Iron Man movies. Equally as crappy. I guess they think they can crap out on a figure if it comes with a $25 vehicle. Pass.

Are you talking about the first new sculpt figures that came out before the spy troops line? If that's the case then Hasbro's about to be "celebrating" the collector riot that ensued after those things were released. Joecon ought to be really interesting this year.
Dake - 2012-02-04 @ 10:22 pm

I'm not saying this makes it righ, but look at the vehicle drivers that hasbro released with it's Captain America and Iron Man movies. Equally as crappy. I guess they think they can crap out on a figure if it comes with a $25 vehicle. Pass.

I'm sure that will be sub-part "A" of their lousy excuse. The difference of course being - just as with Star Wars - Hasbro pays a licensing fee to Marvel. GIJOE is totally in house, they don't have the same overhead involved but they'll still trot out the some bs reasoning (combined with "maintaining equal retail pictures across all brands.. blah blah blah").

Are they still doing the Hasbro Q and A's for the different brands? If so I see what a lot of the Joe questions are going to be. Guess we really have to wait a week and see what is said at Toyfair.

They haven't done a Joe Q/A in a while - since what, SDCC? Same with Transformers. Star Wars is the only one still running and it's bi-monthly or quarterly now.

GPM in ICT - 2012-02-04 @ 6:30 pm

Are they still doing the Hasbro Q and A's for the different brands? If so I see what a lot of the Joe questions are going to be. Guess we really have to wait a week and see what is said at Toyfair.

yojoebro82 - 2012-02-04 @ 5:11 pm

Someone said the T crotch was in "celebration" of the 10th anniversary of those T crotch two packs that came out that everyone forgot about once Hasbro started making Joes cool again.


I'm not saying this makes it righ, but look at the vehicle drivers that hasbro released with it's Captain America and Iron Man movies. Equally as crappy. I guess they think they can crap out on a figure if it comes with a $25 vehicle. Pass.

CLAM - 2012-02-04 @ 4:15 pm

my nearest walmart has about 50 Green Lantern figures on clearance for $1... and they aint moving. Mostly Hal, Kilowog, Tomar Re, and some big grey blob dude

man those toys sucked... I don't even think you can use any part of them for customs

ltfalcon - 2012-02-04 @ 1:57 pm

you know... I like ankle articulation.. and love double knees.. but it doesn't necessarily ruin a figure if they omit those features IMO

However, the vehicle drivers are a slap in the face to the fans, to kids, to parents that will think they are buying their children a quality toy, to the sculptors that had to waste their talents on these statues, to the factory workers that had to put this garbage together, to the oil that was used for the plastic, and to the entire history of action figures and all of the progress made over the last 30 years!

It looks like they only have t-crotch hips, swivel shoulders, and a neck joint.. that's it. No knee or elbow joints at all... and the arms and legs are pre-posed.

I feel bad for the Joe design team. I mean you know that's not what they wanted to do... you know some number cruncher in a suit came in and screwed their plans big time. I think I would have refused rather than put my name on such sub-par work. Those figures are embarrassing

Kids are spoiled on the articulation as well that's exactly why Green Lantern action figures bombed so badly. They had tough time selling even at clearance prices. As far as customizers buying them for fodder the only thing usable was the head. It is ashame because alot of these are sculpted extremely well. Clutch looks awesome except he's just a Ken Doll now!

Jinx will be the third exclusive I won't get, oh well at least I found the 30th Stormy before Christmas. Hopefully Hasbro will be smart enough to sprinkle in some 30th in the line if we make it past the first wave of peg warmers! It's ashame to with everyone digging the movie line!

GPM in ICT - 2012-02-04 @ 1:44 pm

Like just about everyone else, I am really disappointed that Hasbro has decided to do the drivers like this. I don't think every figure has to be super articulated but five POA is a shame. Maybe Joe fans have been spoiled by years and years of our figures having the same POA regardless of if they were single carded or in a box with something else. Heck I don't even mind that CC doesn't have ankle articulation and only has single knee articulation.

The only other thing I find amusing is that aside from Roadblock, SE, SS and possibly CC I don't think any of the figures will actually show up in the movie in these designs. I could be wrong, but Zartan and Duke just don;t fit into the visual style that has been presented to us so far. And the reason that amuses me is because so many people complained about the fact that the first movies toys stuck so closely to what was presented on screen.

CLAM - 2012-02-04 @ 12:05 pm

you know... I like ankle articulation.. and love double knees.. but it doesn't necessarily ruin a figure if they omit those features IMO

However, the vehicle drivers are a slap in the face to the fans, to kids, to parents that will think they are buying their children a quality toy, to the sculptors that had to waste their talents on these statues, to the factory workers that had to put this garbage together, to the oil that was used for the plastic, and to the entire history of action figures and all of the progress made over the last 30 years!

It looks like they only have t-crotch hips, swivel shoulders, and a neck joint.. that's it. No knee or elbow joints at all... and the arms and legs are pre-posed.

I feel bad for the Joe design team. I mean you know that's not what they wanted to do... you know some number cruncher in a suit came in and screwed their plans big time. I think I would have refused rather than put my name on such sub-par work. Those figures are embarrassing

countzackula - 2012-02-04 @ 11:27 am

Ugh! I was hoping it was all angles and glare obscuring the articulation, but I now see it is not. Some how, I doubt these are just mock-ups or prototypes...probably a cost cutting measure. I assume Hasbro thought that since they were "only vehicle drivers", they'd make 'em simpler. They know darn well that seasoned fans are gonna sizzle over that! I'll say it again: UGH! I just hate that inconsistency. What is this now, Star Wars?!

Crimson Twins - 2012-02-04 @ 9:15 am

I really hope the vehicle drivers are only prototypes and the ones we get will actually have articulation. Right now, it looks like none of the drivers have articulated arms, and they suffer from T-crotches. Also, even the bikers seem to have preposed arms. I don't see an elbow joint on any of them.

As for all the talk about no ankle articulation, there is actually some. The ninjas seem to have it on most of them, and the Joe Trooper does too. It's hard to see because of the design, but you can clearly see the rivet on the side of his leg.

The vehicles aren't much to write home about. I don't like that we're getting another AWE Striker, but I do like that they at least changed it up a bit. Same goes with the VAMP. The Water Mocassin is no biggie to me. I've got enough already. I know I am not liking the retooled HISS treads. I'm sure it's a cost cutting measure, but it just really looks like a huge step back now. If they had released it with those treads first, and then gave us the rubber treads, I'm sure I'd be singing a different tune, and would have a reason to buy this new HISS. As it stands now, I have no use for it. Same with the HISS Scout, or whatever it is they're calling it now. That vehicle has never been a winner in my book, and a canopy (that doesn't even fit if you look at the pics) won't change my mind.

Overall, it looks like Hasbro is trying to make as much money off of these figures as possible, and is taking some serious cost cutting measures. Most of the figures don't have double knees. Some don't even have the torso swivel. The new wrist articulation is only on a handful of the figures, but at least the rest at least have wrist swivel (minus those ugly drivers of course). To me, even a big name character like Roadblock looks more like a redone MAJ Barrage than he does the newer Roadblock mold. But maybe that's just me.

As for the exclusives, I'm tired of guys that we want in the regular line that have received no modern figures yet showing up as exclusives. I get it, they want people to buy them. But it seems like these days, you could put out any crap figure, slap 'exclusive' on it, and there will be a line a mile long for people wanting to buy it. Why couldn't we get Jinx in the regular line, or the 30th line, or thrown in with the Renegade set? She could have been given to us multiple times before, but instead she will go the way of Slaughter and Zarana. But that rant could be a whole new post, so I'll just stop now.

I think Hasbro finally told the collectors to take a hike on this one, and geared most of the toys towards kids so they can rake in even more money. I'm not mad at them for that. They are a business and should cater to their largest demographic. I'll just pick over the line like I did with ROC and grab what I like. No harm done.

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