TNI is giving away one free Hasbro SDCC Exclusive G.I. Joe/Transformers Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank! All you have to do is Like our facebook page and post a comment to be eligible to win.
Follow the the two steps below to enter the drawing for a SDCC Exclusive G.I. Joe/Transformers Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank:
Step 1 - Click Like on the Facebook Box
Click the Like button on the TNI facebook box at right or on our group page. If you have Liked the page already, jump to step 2.
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Step 2 - Post a Facebook Comment
Write a comment on our Facebook page and tell us briefly what your favorite toy/action figure is and why. We will check them and select one person to win a FREE SDCC Exclusive G.I. Joe/Transformers Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank.
Note the following giveaway rules apply:
- Only one Set will be given away at the end of the drawing.
- You have till October 14, 2012 to be entered into the drawing.
- Drawing will be held on October 15. The winner will be contacted via Facebook and winner will have 24hrs upon contact to claim prize.
- Prizes unclaimed within 24 hours may be given to another contestant.
About the SDCC Exclusive G.I. Joe/Transformers Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank
G.I. JOE H.I.S.S. TANK VEHICLE WITH SHOCKWAVE DECO AND 3.75" DESTROY AND B.A.T. SPECIAL EDITION PACK: After the extreme popularity of last year’s G.I. JOE and TRANSFORMERS crossover San Diego Comic-Con special edition, Hasbro has done it again! In 2012, the iconic G.I. JOE vehicle, the H.I.S.S. TANK, will get a DECEPTICON SHOCKWAVE make-over, including a G1 SHOCKWAVE blaster attachment. The set comes with a 3.75-inch DESTRO action figure with special edition DECEPTICON deco, a 3.75-inch COBRA B.A.T. figure with special edition CONSTUCTICON deco. The set also comes with several ENERGON cubes on a cart, a briefcase full of money, and a small boom box with 3 cassette tapes- better known to TRANSFORMERS fans as the classic alt-mode of DECEPTICON spy SOUNDWAVE along with RATBAT, LASERBEAK, and RAVAGE. Yo, Joe AND Roll Out!
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