Should have known this would happen from Walmart but I received one of two Storm Shadow figures via FedEx today. Now I don't know why Walmart decided to ship only one of my two figure order but the problem is they used a box way too small. They put the carded figure into the box and pushed it down so the top of the card was bent and has spider webs. The bottom of the card was pushed down to the point that the bubble came released from the card. I checked my account and I have until January for a refund or replacement but how am I supposed to get a replacement when the figure is sold out? I wouldn't worry if I opened all my figures but I don't so I'm worried now how the rest of the figures are going to be showing up.
I got an email about these figures from Walmart and they changed the release dates.
Storm Shadow - Same release date.
Baroness - 12/01/2020
Snake-Eyes - 12/01/2020
Destro - 01/05/2021
All three figures are available for preorder again except for Storm Shadow.
There is only 3, $12.99 and 2, $24.99 items listed for G.I. Joe unless Hasbro and Walmart are adding items at the last second.
5 hours ago, Outsiders said:On a side note, I noticed that at 6:30 PM tonight The Walmart timer on their website was listed at 12 hours and 30 minutes left which makes the timer hit zero at 7 AM. But the graphic listed the preorder starting at 9 AM Central. What's with the 2 hour difference?
West Coast time?
Hopefully they release some news on the R.E.D Line from Transformers. Need some updates on that line
On a side note, I noticed that at 6:30 PM tonight The Walmart timer on their website was listed at 12 hours and 30 minutes left which makes the timer hit zero at 7 AM. But the graphic listed the preorder starting at 9 AM Central. What's with the 2 hour difference?
On 7/15/2020 at 2:36 PM, JayC said:Just my speculation but GIJoe and Transformers arn't just announcing SDCC exclusives, they are announcing new lines exclusive to Walmart hence why they get live-stream and Marvel and Star Wars will likely just get news posts.
For GIJoe the focus will be the Retro line and Transformers I think is getting a new line at Walmart of Studio Series figures based on the 80's animated movie
Purely curious as I would freaking LOVE That...but why do you think Transformers is getting 80's movie figures?!
7 hours ago, JayC said:My general thought is that whatever goes up on Walmart Friday for Transformers and GIJoe aren't going to be things that sell out instantly, but I def would have at least one browser open to the Walmart website if you decide to watch the stream videos.
Those 2 brands probably wont but Im also going to be going after the Marvel and Star Wars offerings. (And possibly Ghostbusters if they have something).
Also I suspect there will be some other vendor offerings Ill want too. Typically every year for SDCC I have a list of over 20 booths Im trying to hit up between preview and Thursday morning. With this being an online experience now Ill probably be picking up less this year but if they truly have over 70 items I suspect it will be more than just Hasbro Ill be after.
12 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:yeah I mean that seems a correct assumption, I mean if they are such hard hitters no way they wouldn't want to rake in the cash on such big characters. the suspense of all this exclusive SDCC business is really workin me, can't we get it over with already , I already warned my Girlfriend over and over about how I'm going to be screaming and rejoicing at the computer screen in these weeks to come, and talking at least 10% more about figures then usual
I'm mentally preparing myself for missing out on the SDCC exclusives. I have been trying to convince myself that whatever it is I won't need it since my chances are not looking good right now.
6 minutes ago, Belmont13 said:Don't worry they'll release them again down the line with some slight changes.
yeah I mean that seems a correct assumption, I mean if they are such hard hitters no way they wouldn't want to rake in the cash on such big characters. the suspense of all this exclusive SDCC business is really workin me, can't we get it over with already , I already warned my Girlfriend over and over about how I'm going to be screaming and rejoicing at the computer screen in these weeks to come, and talking at least 10% more about figures then usual