Best case scenario, these turn out to be like Black Widow (Deadly Origin) or Red Hulk Target exclusives. At first, you couldn't find any on the shelf when they started hitting stores. Now, it's all I see when I walkinto a TRU (especially that Black Widow)...
I've still never seen even one of the figures in person.
Good for Canada, hoping these are more accessible for them than they were here.
I have not heard of any one yet finding anything other than Baroness, but I'm hoping these turn out easy to find
5 hours ago, JayC said:For those of you who live in Canada, we have gotten reports that the G.I. Joe: Classified 6" Missions: Cobra Island figures are showing up at Toys R' Us stores. The SKN# for them is 480773. This assortment includes the Cobra Trooper, Beach Head and Roadblock v2 which here in the US were released as Target exclusives. Good luck to you Canadians wanting to pick these up, and hope you have an easier time getting them than we did here in the US. Thanks t0ytime for the heads up.UPDATE: Baroness is also apparently showing up there now as well. Thanks to Steven for the heads up on that one.
Good for all the toy fans in Canada...????
Best of luck, Canada.