My Origins Hordak was made using a Skeletor Origins base. I then used the vintage figures armor and feet, with the Funko Mumm-Ra cape, and a head cast of the 4H sculpt from the Super 7 Filmation figure.
Great color scheme! Though it'd be better if paired with a somewhat better looking (Filmation) Imp. Missed the little mischiefs and antics of that guy Hope they make an Origins and/or #Masterverse version of him (that's not only just flat out "red bat" looking.
Woah. Nicely done. I always preferred this color scheme overthe actual figure.
Thanks. He's scheduled to appear next year in the line. But i, think they'll be using the vintage toys look. That's why I wanted to make one paying homage to his animated look.
Great work. Hopefully he'll be coming to the line soon.