Been wanting to do this for awhile until I found the perfect body for a superarticulated She-ra. Skirt is made of soft pliable leather that allows for maximum poseability and blends almost seamlessly with the rubber corset. Corset wraps around the waist and is only glued to the upper torso to allow torso articulation (if that makes any sense lol)
Head is from the recent Super 7 She-Ra, repainted by the talented HOMBRE X (aka Jose Luis Mourelle) . Torso and upper body from Marvel Legends Angela. Arms (a lucky perfect fit!) are from Dagobah Luke. Legs are from a Marvel Legends white rabbit. Bracelets and boots from She-Ra origins.
Nice. This works really well. Great bash.
You did a great job! ?
I'd be more inclined to get in on a line that looked like this than master verse even. Especially if it scales with classics.
I think this is the best she-ra action figure I have found on internet. The stock She-ra figures are just ugly and this character needs a beautifull action figure! Really this one is vary nice.
You mention arubber corset, Is there a turorial or something like that on how to make this kind of thing?
That looks good. Because they're supposed to be two different scales, I would have thought putting the Classics head on a Legends body would look bobble-heady, but it doesn't. Your photos are great, too.
That is up there with my favourite female customs. Superb job mate
Really nice work here JulienMAGNAT, the She-ra looks perfect. I like the last shot where she mushes Hordak in the face. " Uh that would be a NO Hordy boy".