Here's my NECA '87 cartoon-style April O'Neil!
The goal here was slavish accuracy to the cartoon model, and I think I just about nailed it! Every line on the jumpsuit, every belt loop and clasp and pocket, every tuft of hair.
- Head is from Hasbro's first ML Wasp, I took extra care sculpting all her little layers and cowlicks in her iconic poofy hairdo.
- ML Human Torch boots (Ronan the Accuser series)
- ML Hellcat legs and body
- LCBH Ann O'Brien jacket and arms
- Gripping hands from a ML Valkyrie (Hulkbuster series)
- Open hands from a ML Enchantress.
- Accessories all came from a classic Playmates April figure (1992 "5th Anniversary" purple stripes version) with one exception:
- The iconic clamshell . . . er, I mean turtle-shell "makeup compact" Turtle Communicator, also sculpted entirely by hand, built it using an old ToyBiz ML "hinged fingers" hand, so it actually has a tiny hinge that allows it to open and close!
This April O'Neil figure is probably the best work I've ever produced, and she looks perfect with my NECA '87 Cartoon TMNT. When NECA DOES release their version . . . well, I'll undoubtedly pick it up, but she's gonna have a HARD time living up to mine!
Not bad... She can be used for this new TMNT Neca toy line.
What a stunning piece of work! And it looks like she'll likely be more articulated than the neca April so this one can be her photo shoot stunt double!
On 6/26/2019 at 4:51 PM, Joshue said:Hola soy josue si me gusta tu trabajo y esta excelente y si ests a vender, estoy dispuesto a comprarla?
Thank you for liking my work! However, this one is for my personal collection, sorry.
Hola soy josue si me gusta tu trabajo y esta excelente y si ests a vender, estoy dispuesto a comprarla
On 5/19/2019 at 12:02 PM, Satam said:Nice job. There was obviously a lot of work put into that, and it paid off.
Thank you! It wasn't nearly as difficult as some of the next customs I'll be posting. Just wait!
On 6/2/2019 at 11:32 PM, Thinwheat said:Nice work! I think you're right, Neca will probably release an April eventually, but this custom is really well done and she looks like she blends in with Neca's line of Turtles already.
Thanks so much!
4 hours ago, Batman1701 said:Thank you! Something tells me you're gonna get your wish! *LOL*
Haha I guess.
Nice work! I think you're right, Neca will probably release an April eventually, but this custom is really well done and she looks like she blends in with Neca's line of Turtles already.
On 5/30/2019 at 1:33 AM, red_bird08 said:This looks good. Nice work. I hope neca continues to roll out more turtles figures.
Thank you! Something tells me you're gonna get your wish! *LOL*
This looks good. Nice work. I hope neca continues to roll out more turtles figures.