This week's TNI Cool Custom Of The Week was done by Alleyviperelite, who has created a custom 3 3/4"
Scarlett figure from G.I.Joe. Here is how NiteOwl describes the creation of this figure:
"I had a list of certain things I wanted from a Scarlett figure when I started this one and the DD comic pack and the comic pack #9 gave me the two most important pieces I needed.
My List:
V1 colors
V1 inspired outfit
No modifications to existing molds. Sometimes I like to see what is possible with what Hasbro has.
Head: Scarlett comic pack #9
Torso: Agent Jinx
Upper Arms: VvV Scarlett left arms
Lower Arms and Waist: VvV Scarlett
Legs: Covergirl"
Click here if you would like to submit your own custom figure(s) to be displayed on TNI, and be sure to check out our Custom
Forum section, where you can talk and show off your work among other customizers.
Also now Cool Custom Of The Week winners will be eligible to win a
$100 Toy Shopping Spree.
Click here for more details.
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