Very cool work!
To JC and the TNI staff,
I just wanted to say thank you very much for the honor of having my Bombstrike custom featured in the TNI cool custom of the week you all rock!
great work man and a great parts list she looks awesome
wow! that came out pretty good. keep it up, can't wait for the next one!
Very nice man! The leg use looks waaaaay better than expected!
Using the Snake Eyes legs is a great idea. I was looking for legs to use on a female custom and never even considered them. Great work!
SICKO work T! Did you do the lipstick too, if so WOW and HOLY $HIT!
I wish dawg I just painted around the lips I did not want to mess them up.
Thanks for the great feedback guys I'm glad ya'll feeling that joint. feels good to post a custom again after so long I was worried I would be a bit rusty. #US1#
great job my man she looks great.
Very cool, great job Tr1er!
I agree that is an AWSOME paint job on the custom. Really nice pics too. Thanks for sharing.