“From the very beginning, going back to when she was introduced in 1938, Lois Lane as a character defied society’s expectations of how women should behave,” Tulloch says of her iconic role. “Women at that point were more typically portrayed as demure, but Lois was always opinionated and unapologetic and uncompromising and a career-woman. Part of why she has remained so compelling for so many years is that she’s also vulnerable, and fallible, romantic, and goofy and a klutz – I just find her really appealing.”
“I find Lois inspiring in how little she gives a crap about what anyone thinks of her,” she continues. “She’s not doing the work for glory or more Pulitzers, she’s doing it because she believes in justice and truth. She is incredibly driven and determined and hard-working and she really embodies the aphorism ‘be the change you wish to see in the world.’ She is not intimidated by anyone. she wants to save the world with words.”
Makes you appreciate Dean Cain more....
Well.......a "little" bit more...=^)
10 hours ago, Satam said:HOLY $#%&, HE'S THE KID FROM ROAD TO PERDITION!
Really? I remember that movie, Tom Hanks was the dad, I'm going to look it up your probably right.
8 hours ago, ensign said:He might have made a better Batman. I say that because of the dark and brooding character he played on MTVs Teen Wolf for 4 years. However, he impressed me with his performance of Superman. By switching from Teen Wolf to Superman, he really showed his range of acting. I personally think he's the best modern Superman.
Now that you mention it, that's exactly the role his features would look best, Batman and Bruce Wayne. Good eye.
2 hours ago, Nosferatuman62172 said:Something about this actor as superman just seems off to me.
He might have made a better Batman. I say that because of the dark and brooding character he played on MTVs Teen Wolf for 4 years. However, he impressed me with his performance of Superman. By switching from Teen Wolf to Superman, he really showed his range of acting. I personally think he's the best modern Superman.
3 hours ago, supermancrotch said:He is not handsome and sexy enough to be Superman
Then you haven't seen MTVs version of Teen Wolf where he starred for about 4 seasons. Very masculine, very ripped, very sexy.
Something about this actor as superman just seems off to me.
He is not handsome and sexy enough to be Superman