Shown below via inpursuitoftoys is a look at the new NECA DC Toon Figures from Power-con 2023.
I remember seeing something about the mirage turtles getting a colored masks repaint. Any news there?
Really looking forward to those Last Ronin Flashback figures. I love when the turtles have more unique looks, and those designs are great.
They look great!!!
I really should switch to Necca for turtles...
Shown below via Lago_Figs are some NECA Power-con 2023 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Booth Images.
Surprised there aren't more announcements coming out
22 hours ago, toynewman said:Shown below is the first image of NECA's Power-con 2023 Booth!
Looks cool the sewer playset and the Elvira picture...???
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