TNI's 2011 Halloween Costume Contest Results

by Jay Cochran
October 31, 2011
First I want to wish everyone a HAPPY HALLOWEEN and thank everyone who sent us in images of your great costumes.

Second before we get to showing you all those great entries and announcing the winner of the drawing for the $50 store credit at, I just wanted to share with you my 5 seconds of fame this morning in the video below as I got to appear on Fox 5 news here in Washington, DC while participating in a Halloween costume fun run 5k and hang out with a bunch of great kids at the local Little Gym. If you couldn't guess I was Captain America.

Holly Morris - Halloween Rocks Festival:

Now for a look at all the great entries in our costume contest.

Joel Manalastas here is dressed up as the Red Skull. Using parts from various store bought costumes he took a plastic skull mask that he cut up and spray-painted red. He also bought the jacket, and decorated it to look like a WW2-era German uniform. Great job on the mask Joel.

Slythe here is dressed up as Two-Face from the Batman: The Animated series. The costume was put together from thrift store items and spray paint. The make-up is all acrylic. Head you win tails you loose.

Harold Anaya is taking it old school this Halloween with a very cool Generation 1 Optimus Prime costume. He says it took him 3 weeks to create it from cardboard boxes, foam borad, poster board, duct tape and lots of hot glue. All we can say is Autobots Transform and roll out!!!

The Shan here is dressed as the Mighty Thor from this summe's big-budget movie. He says the Thor armor is store bought. It's worn over a long sleeve black shirt that has foam and silver duct tape glued to it in order to create armor for the upper arms. Inside out "Prince of Persia" gauntlets cover the wrists. The cape was made from red carpet fabric. The pants are from Ross and the boots are from Sports Authority. The hammer was also store bought. Looks great though we couldn't help but wonder when Thor dyed his hair black :)

Chzo here has based his costume off of he Chzo Myths series of games developed by Ben Croshaw better known as Yahtzee. The costume is composed of store bought materials, albiet modified in appearance. A long coat he already had, gloves in which he added blood sploches, scythes that he took apart then put back together to match the game appearance. He is also sporting his work dress pants and shoes and a nylon mask that allows his face to appear featureless while being able to see perfectly. We aren't that familiar with the game but the costume sure looks scary. Good job Chzo.

Tiffany Burns ain't afraid of no ghost as she and her boyfriend sport some handmade Ghostbusters themed costumes this year. Tiffany made her costume from a man's large costume she turned into a dress while her boyfriend's Stay Puft costume is made from a various parts. The head is made of wire and paper mache. The body was made out of a pair of sweats found at the goodwill and shirt they bought for $5.00. They then added bubble wrap and tissue paper on the body. Rubber bands were used to give the effect of marshmallows on arms and legs.

Matt Billings is dressed as Sweet Tooth from the Twisted Metal video game franchise. We'd hate to see this guy coming at us from behind the wheel of a car.

Shannon Hydeman is going as the most powerful man in the universe with a little help from his wife this Halloween. The He-Man costume was completely made by his wife while he made the shield and used a Nerf for his sword. You will also notice He-Man is apparently hanging out with JEM these days as his oldest daughter poses with him, a costume also made by the wife.

Tyson here is sporting a store bought Captain America movie costume and went the extra mile by having his hairstylist cut and color his hair to look like Chris Evans. Maybe Tyson could audition to be one of Mr. Evans stunt doubles in the upcoming Avengers movie?

Lone Wolf here has based his scary costume off the Rob Zombie version of Michael Myers. Here is how he describes making this costume.

Everything you see has been modified in one way or another, to look as screen accurate as possible. I bought some brown coveralls, and spray painted it a darker shade of brown. I bought an old long coat I got from a bargain store, and ripped it all up, even revealing the lining in the front like it appears in the movie. I took a black winter vest and sewed a hood to it, then spray painted a rough camo design on it. As for the bag, I ripped a couple holes in it so I could feed rope through (which I also painted over) for a strap. The big ugly kitchen knife was given a nasty blood application (I know in the movie he has a big rusty hunting knife, but I've yet to find an accurate one). Now for the mask... I bought A Neca Michael Myers mask, and gave it a complete makeover, as it originally looks like total crap. Before buying it, I snagged a bunch of hair from the other Myers masks, as they were all falling out anyway, and didn't have enough on them to begin with. I doubt anyone noticed.... So I removed all the hair, and reattached it properly, along with the additional hair. Then I worked on all the cuts and rips, making them ACTUAL RIPS, not just little bumps and ripples. After all that, I spray painted the hair, and hand painted the face, adding other details with spray paint. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Tonight I'll be going out and terrorizing the town.

Great work there Lone Wolf. We are amazed by the detail he put into this one, we wonder if he knows the original Michael Myers mask was actually a painted over mask of William Shatner's face. We know scary right?

Patrick de Leon has created form himself a Magneto costume that is a hybrid between how he appeared at the end of First class and one of his alternate costumes in Ultimate Alliance. He custom sculpted, molded, and cast the helmet and armor, and sewed the costume together over the course of two weeks. Very impressive and we like the eyes for that extra effect to.

Michael Chen has sent in a number of different costumes, but the one we are featuring here is one based from Star Wars Legacy Imperial Knights. It was Seng Saeturn, Michael Chen, Arthur Hong, Tu Do, and Yas Yamamoto, out of craft foam, velcro, and satin cloth. You can check out images of his other cool costumes below in our GALLERY.

Jesse here is dressed as the Joker. Everything you see was altered (excluding the bow tie). He painted the wig with 4 different colors of green, dyed the blazer and pants, then pinstriped them with duct tape. He Painted pin stripes on the vest and did all the make-up himself. The flower on his lapel was made to actually shoots water and the cane is made from a mop handle and a painted Woody head from Toy Story. The top screws off to reveal a dagger.

Marria Casul is sporting a homemade Huntress costume. She used swim suit fabric, faux satin, various threads, craft foam, iron-on patch material, hot glue, velcro, an empty Coke can, and 2 weeks for building.

Ken Abbe is sporting a Grant Morrison's Superman (from Action Comics) costume and posting with a mermaid (from Seaguy). Both costumes were store bought but you gotta love the expression on the mermaids face.

Mark Barrientos is wearing a Hydra costume he purchased from BBTS. Hail Hydra!!!

Clam here has made a robot costume made from cardboard boxes he spray painted silver. For added effect he duct taped a tap light on his chest and 3 lights inside the helmet. Not great for moving around in but the kids love it.

Braden here and his dad knowing he couldn't be eligible for the contest because he is just shy of 18 still wanted to send in a picture of his cool Captain America costume because he's a huge fan. He also loves M&M's and Pez which so happens we do to. Branden we are sorry you can't enter the contest but we love the costume and hope you score lots of M&M's and Pez tonight while tick-or-treating.

Tara here is sporting one of Starfleet's finest with a store bought Star Trek costume. She added the high boots, tv series phaser, and stockings.

Matt Blackert made his costume to honor the late and great wrestler Randy Macho Man Savage. He says a lot of time went into cutting out material and letters, sewing, painting, cutting, drawing. He also says he had a lot of fun making it which is the most importan thing of all. Now all he needs to do is slap it to a Slim Jim.

The great snake rules forever with this cool store bought Cobra Commander costume being worn by William Alvis. He made some modifications to the boots and belt and is posing with his son who is wearing a Cobra Soldier costume mostly made by William. Now father and son but go out and defeat G.I.Joe.

John of ATL is thinking outside the box with this Transformers costume which he calls Little Tikes Prime. He created the body, arms, and legs from two Little Tikes cars. The head was made from a construction helmet and the wheels from the Little Tikes car. It took him a couple months of thought and several days of work to complete.

j e n . c a p p e l l i has created a Young Avengers Hulkling costume from a bought pair of pants and a black vest. The gold quilting is hand sewn and embroidered and the shoulders are built with wire and sculpted/painted. Their best friend Sara is dressed as Wiccan.

Here is a costume of the G1 Transformer Elita One. Name of contestant withheld by request.

Janeails22x has created a TMNT movie style Shredder costume. It took him nearly two months to complete this very detailed costume. Here is a brief breakdown into what was involved with the making of this one.

- Baseball helmet core
- Hundreds of Gold cardstock individually cut squares glued to a formed posterboard base.
- Head is a formed posterboard and covered "steel" fabric, mounted to reflect Movie 2's angle, but movie 1's no-saw-blade lines.
- Paintball mask base, completely covered by formed posterboard and covered "steel" fabric with fireplace grating mesh for breather slots.
- Helmet top and blade guards covers in painted drawer rubber.
- Shoulder blade guards are knee pad based.
- Soccer Shin guard bases were used for the shins and forearms.
- Cape made from Graduation Gown!
- Shirt (sparkly sweater) is of course a lady's sweater.
- Hand claws use archery wrist guards.
- All blades are doubled over poster board painted silver.
- My wife did all of the sewing for the shirt and cape, and shoulder pads.

Gavin here made a Deatheater costume from the Harry Potter movies. He made the costume with articles of clothing he had around the house and painted a mask to look like a deatheater from the film.

Forcehunter is wearing a Mario costume and reenacting a skit from Robot Chicken.

Tom A is dressed as "OBG-YN Kenobi". He says that home made and is always a hit. He likes to tell people that he was Padme's OB, but was out golfing when the twins were born and that's why they used the robotic midwifes to deliver the baby's and that it wasn't his fault Padme died. Hmmm I guess that's what Galactic Healthcare gets ya.

Steve Rogers here is dressed as Fantomex from the Uncanny X-Force. He had the coat and the jumpsuit commissioned out. The stripes and detailing are all hand painted and hand done.

Louis Foldi is sporting a store bought movie Optimus Prime costume with some custom gloves he made himself.

Rob A has made himself a "Boximus Prime" costume from banana boxes at work, and stuff around the house.

Jim here has made himself a "Zombie Prime" costume for a local Zombie walk he did last year.

Phil here has made himself a very real looking Captain America: The First Avenger costume. All of the leather parts, apart from the sling, were custom built from scratch. The costume itself was purchased as a base costume off ebay, and countless alterations done to get it right. The base gloves, boots and sling are all authentic WWII parts. The shield started as a block of aluminum and was spun down to size, then grooved. I painted and attached leather straps to the back. Awesome job Phil.

Eric made this cool Cobra Commander costume for his son which he wanted to show off. He says the The visor was made from a motorcycle visor trimmed and contoured. The helmet is a dollar store army helmet painted with model car spray paints. The costume was designed by me and sewn by a friend. Sword and gun were customized by me with stickers.

Joseph here has made a cool Penguin costume based on the 60's Batman TV series. He says he made the costume himself.

Gareee has made a very scary looking Samhain costume from the Real Ghostbusters Cartoon show. The head was sculpted from insulation foam, and took about 2 weeks to complete.
The collar was sculpted and heat formed from foam floor mat. The outfit is also original and was designed to accommodate the collar.
The hands are rubber Halloween costume hands, repainted to match the rest of the outfit. Additionally, a pvc frame was created so the outfit could also be displayed as a prop, with additional lights in the eyes.

Will has created a cool Mr. Freeze costume using several different elements. The body suit is a neoprene diver suit, the boots are motor cross boots painted and teched and iced with fake snow and ice. The gauntlets and upper body armor are made from some plastic science fiction armor, lots of cut foam, glue, lots of paint and teched again with fake snow and ice. The chest light is a tap light with a blue gel inside. The gun is a nerf gun that is repainted and teched with ice and snow. The backpack is foam and 2 plastic water bottles for a water cooler, ice, snow, and lights. The dome was purchased from a plastic company and ice and snow were added as well as interior lights. The belt is scratch built and painted. All of the tubes are from a hardware store and have lights installed in them.

Jeremy "STorm'n Norm'n" Nordstrom has made a Mark I Iron Man suit. He says it is home made from various parts. It has a wooden under structure with wood metal and plastic parts all covered in Wonderflex plastic. The body is supported off of a hiking back pack. It weighs 75 pounds and took 3 months to build.

Bob is Batman thanks to this cool homemade costume he has created. The cowl is custom made from urethane. The chest piece is a repainted and sanded gladiator chest piece. Gauntlets are resin custom made. Belt is a swat team gear belt. Lacrosse pads were also used with football leg pads.

Jorge Leon has made a Anakin costume based on the characters appearance between ESB and ROTJ. He used a bald cap, yellow contact lenses, clay on my nose (to make it a little more like Ani) and clay on my eyebrows for a meaner look. Part of a wetsuit, an old pleather cape (from a batman costume), biker gloves, and for the chest I used silver cardboard and some foam-like black material (the one used for crafts). He split the deluxe Rubies helmet and custom made the back piece, added the voice changer from a different helmet (so that he was still able to talk like Vader). Custom made belt, made of hard black cardboard. And again the foam-like material that he had to paint it glossy to make extra parts of the armor, such as the shin guards and the cod. Oh, and he used a Anakin fx lightsaber from MR.

Christian is sporting a zentai Iron Spider suit from China that he got off eBay.

ThePeak is dressed as a Steampunk Nick Fury. The costume is homemade. A military style jacket and pants were modified with a custom bib and velcro patched. I mounted a miniature fog machine in an off brand foam dart gun so the gun actually "steams." A simple jewelers eyepiece or loupe was combined with a red and blue LED light, switches and a custom painted & decorated project box from Radioshack to finish off Fury's cyber-eye. The pistol was a modified electronic toy with some random parts. Make-up and prosthetics by my wife, the Red Queen.

Check out more hi-res images of these entries plus a few extra ones not shown above in our GALLERY below.

Oh and as for the winner of our drawing for the $50 store credit at The name we drew was John of ATL. Congrats to him and thanks again for everyone who entered. We hope you all have a HAPPY & SAFE HALLOWEEN!
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