TFsource 12-22 Weekly SourceNews! Hexatron Continuum, Titanium Saint, Air Strike and More!
Greetings Sourcefans!
It's not too late to place an order on and receive it in time for the holidays! Select 2-day or overnight shipping when in checkout - Happy Holidays everyone! This week we have a bunch of new instock items like
Bullsfire - DB-01 Air Strike,
DR. Wu - DW-P22 Engineer set,
Sentinel - Gigantic Figure - Scorponok (Mega Zarak) - 22'' Tall,
AFT Toys - AFT-07 Titanium Saint, and
Reformatted - R-01C - Terminus Hexatron Continuum! We also have new preorder items like
FansToys FT-04T and FT-04X Scoria, 2 new deco's of this very popular figure,
Transformers Bumblebee Premium Scale - 15'' Collectible Figure,
DX9 Toys X03 & X04 War in Pocket Plague and Medilance Set and DX9 D03i the Phantom,
GCreation - Shuraking - SRK-02, and
Hasbro Generations Combiners Wars - Deluxe, Voyager and Legends scale Series 1. Visit the
Source Blog for our latest Source Articles, Interviews!
And Visit our sister site for non-transformers collectibles! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!

In this issue of SourceNews:
Now Instock - MMC's Terminus Hexatron Continuum!
Now up for preorder - FT04T & FT04X Limited Edition!
TFsource eGift Cards Available! Enter to Win TFsource's $500 Holiday Shopping Spree!
Now Instock - Maketoys Utopia!
3rd Party Customs Updates! Bullsfire Air Strike and AFT Toys Titanium Saint Instock!
Now Instock - ToyWorld - TW-H04 Infinitor!
New preorder up - Transformers Bumblebee Premium Scale - 15'' Collectible Figure by Threezero!
Now Instock - Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-02 Cubrar and Tekour!
Masterpiece Updates!
New Preorders Up - Hasbro Generations Combiner Wars!
Now back instock - Warbotron Heavy Noisy!
theToySource Updates!
Source Blog Updates!
Newest Preorder items at TFsource
Newest Instock items at TFsource
1. Now instock - MMC's Hexatron Continuum!
Now instock - MMC's Hexatron Continuum! Check out Peaugh's review and order on TFsource here:
Reformatted - R-01C - Terminus Hexatron Continuum
Be sure to select Priority Mail if in the US to get this guy in time for the holidays!
2. Now up for preorder - FT04T & FT04X Limited Edition!
Now up for preorder - FT04T & FT04X Limited Edition! This revised color scheme for scoria comes in two variations and is up for preorder at TFSource here:
FansToys FT-04T - Iron Dibots No.1 - Scoria
FansToys FT-04X - Iron Dibots No.1 - Scoria - Limited Edition 1000
Fans Toys updated us with full color pictures of FT-06 Sever - this guy looks great, finally revealed in full color! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
FansToys FT-06 Sever - Iron Dibots No.3
3. TFsource eGift Cards Available! Enter to Win TFsource's $500 Holiday Shopping Spree!
Just in time for the holidays - TFsource eGift Cards! Choose to print or email your gift card, you can then customize your card by selecting a design, include a personal message, and even select on what date your eGift will be emailed out! Available at TFSource now here:
Don't forget to enter TFSource's $500 Holiday Shopping spree contest this year! Secure an awesome SourceHaul with $500 in store credit at TFSource, enter here:
4. Now Instock - Maketoys Utopia!
Now Instock - Maketoys Utopia! This big guy is finally in, preorders are being processed and will ship out next week! Order yours at TFSource here:
Make Toys - City Bot Series - MCB-02 Utopia
Back up for preorder - Make toys Green Giant! We will have a very small amount of stock coming in December, reserve your preorder here:
Make Toys - Green Giant - Set of 6 Pieces
Make Toys Quantron Now Instock! Quantron stands 28CM/11" tall in combined mode and features five-Sci-Fi style vehicles. Order yours today!
Make Toys - MTCM-03 Quantron - Set of 5
5. 3rd Party Customs Updates! Bullsfire Air Strike and AFT Toys Titanium Saint Instock!
Now instock - Bullsfire DB-01 Air Strike! We've updated the listing with some awesome photos from TJ so check them out! Instock at TFsource now here:
Bullsfire - DB-01 Air Strike
Now instock AFT Toys - Titanium Saint Figure! Check out the video review and order yours at TFSource here:
AFT Toys - AFT-07 Titanium Saint
We've received updated photos of X2 toys Gemini Set! Check them out on TFSource here:
X2 Toys - XT005 Gemini Set of Furrow & Rotor With DKR002
Back Instock - Gigantic Action - Scorpnok Figure by Sentinel! We've restocked a limited amount of the Sentinel Scorponok figure! This one sold out fast, and this guy is HUGE! Available here at TFSource:
Sentinel - Gigantic Figure - Scorponok (Mega Zarak) - 22'' Tall
Two new preorders up from DX9 Toys! X03 & X04 War in Pocket Plague and Medilance Set and DX9 D03i the Phantom - Limited Edition 1000 pieces! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
DX9 Toys - X03 Medilance & X04 Plague Set of 2
DX9 D03i - Invisible - Transparent Phantom - Limited Edition 1000 pieces
New preorder from DX9 Toys - D03 Invisible! Figure is approximately 16CM/6.3" tall in robot mode - preorder yours at TFSource here:
DX9 D03 - Invisible
New preorder up - Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon! Figure stands 24.5CM/9.6" tall - preorder yours at TFSource here:
Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon
6. Now Instock - ToyWorld - TW-H04 Infinitor!
Now instock - Toyworld's Infinitor! Preorders are being processed to ship out. Order yours at TFsource here:
ToyWorld - TW-H04 Infinitor
Now back up for preorder - ToyWorld Hegemon 2nd Edition! Final stock on this guy, will be instock this month, preorder yours here:
ToyWorld - TW-01B - Hegemon - 2nd Edition
Toyworld Grant - Uranus TG photo gallery! Check out our Facebook page for some awesome photos from Uranus TG of TFCon's exclusive Grant! Our final stock is now up on the site, pick yours up here:
ToyWorld - TW-H04G Grant
Note: Sword is not included, you can also find some Tamashii Effects on our sister site theToySource here:
New preorder up - TW-D02 Muddy! The second in their dino-combiner series, preorder yours here:
ToyWorld - TW-D02 Muddy
Toyworld's new 3-changer Devilstar is up for preorder! If you saw this piece at our booth at TFcon it's extremely impressive preorder yours here:
ToyWorld - TW-06 Devilstar
Now instock - Toyworld's Roar! This first of five figures that will form a massive dino-combiner is instock at TFSource here:
ToyWorld - TW-D01 Roar
7. New preorder up - Transformers Bumblebee Premium Scale - 15'' Collectible Figure by Threezero!
New preorder up - Transformers Bumblebee Premium Scale - 15'' Collectible Figure by Threezero! This fully posable figure is 15" tall and has over 65 points of articulation, preorder yours at TFSource here:
Transformers Bumblebee Premium Scale - 15'' Collectible Figure
8. Now Instock - Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-02 Cubrar and Tekour!
Now Instock - Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-02 Cubrar and Tekour! Fansproject has updated us that there is a randomly inserted "Hidden Version" of Cubrar randomly inserted throughout the production run. So if your cubrar has a red head this is not a mistake but a rare variation! Order yours at TFSource here:
Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-02 Cubrar and Tekour
Check out Peaughs' latest review on Fansproject's Cubrar, instock now at TFSource here:
Also Instock - Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-01 Columpio and Drepan! Order here:
Fansproject - Lost Exo Realm - LER-01 Columpio and Drepan
New Preorder up - Revolver Core Upgrade Kit! Includes both metal and plastic parts, this kit will be full colored and contains everything needed to upgrade your revolver! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
Fansproject - WB0004 Revolver - Upgrade Kit
9. Masterpiece Updates!
MP-22 Masterpiece Ultra Magnus Preorder Update!
We received word from Takara that the release date for MP-22 Ultra Magnus is 12/20! Considering the last 3 MP have come out about a week later than planned, 12/27 maybe more realistic, hopefully putting it in our warehouse by the end of the year! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
MP-22 - Masterpiece Ultra Magnus with Trailer ''Perfect Edition''
Now instock - MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee! Order yours here:
MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee - with Spike in Exo-Suit
MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee - with Coin & Battle Mask
Also Instock - MP-05G Gold Version Megatron! And yes he includes the FREE Reflector Camera - order yours at TFSource here:
MP-05G Masterpiece Megatron - 30th Anniversary Exclusive - Gold Version
Not feeling the Gold version of MP-05 Megatron? How about the original? We have a very limited amount of stock of MP-05 Masterpiece megatron available here:
MP-05 Masterpiece Megatron
TFSource Restock! We will be restocking a limited amount of the sold out MP-17 Masterpiece Prowl! If you haven't picked this guy up yet preorder yours at TFSource here:
MP-17 - Masterpiece Prowl
The highly anticipated MP-20 Masterpiece Wheeljack is now instock! Order yours here:
MP-20 Masterpiece Wheeljack
Now instock - Dr. Wu Engineer Set! Upgrade your MP-20 Wheeljack today, instock at TFSource here:
DR. Wu - DW-P22 Engineer set
10. New Preorders Up - Hasbro Generations Combiner Wars!
New Generations Combiner Series Preorders UP! Deluxe, Voyager and Legends scale Series 1 - preorder yours at TFSource here:

TFsource - Your Source for Hasbro Generations Combiner Wars Figures!
11. Now back instock - Warbotron Heavy Noisy!
Now back instock - Warbotron Heavy Noisy! Preorders are being processed to ship out! Order yours at TFSource here:
Warbotron - WB01-B - Heavy Noisy
12. theToySource Updates!
Now Instock: Hot Toys' Iron Man 3 - 1:6 Scale - Mark 17 "Heartbreaker" armor! Another great armor from Hot Toys, so you can initiate your own "House Party Protocol"! Order yours at the ToySource today:
Hot Toys - Iron Man 3 One Sixth Scale - Mark 17: Heartbreaker
Now Instock at the ToySource: the Kotobukiya 1/7th Scale Batgirl Statue! An amazing beginning to the DC X Bishoujo statue line! Limited stock remains, order yours today:
Kotobukiya - DC Comics - Batgirl -1/7 Scale Statue
Also Instock at the ToySource: the Kotobukiya ArtFX+ New 52 Superman statue! Superman looks great on his own, or when paired with Kotobukiya's ArtFX+ Batman & the other members of the Justice League team! Order yours today:
Kotobukiya - DC Comics - Superman New 52 ArtFX + Statue
New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up at theToySource!
From Dragon Ball Z Figuarts Son Goku to Sailor Moon's Tuxedo Mask - a HUGE amount of new Bandai Preorders are up! Click the link to start shopping!
theToySource - Your Source for Bandai Tamashii Figures and Accessories!
Now instock, Robot Spirits Damashii - Zeta Gundam! Portrayed in the same stylish form and proportions as it appeared in the Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam series, it can be dynamically posed in a variety of ways! Includes Hyper Mega Launcher, Beam Saber, interchangeable hands, and grenade launcher parts. Order yours today at the ToySource:
Robot Spirits Damashii - Zeta Gundam
Sailor Moon's Cutie Moon Rod has been released as a part of Bandai's "Proplica" line! Containing metallic and clear parts, LED lights within allow for the reenactment of the Moon Princess Halation attack! The Moon Rod also plays a variety of phrases & sound effects, and includes a display stand modelled after the great Moon Castle! Get yours today at the ToySource:
S.H.Figuarts - Sailor Moon Proplica - Cutie Moon Rod
New preorder up - GIJOE 50th anniversary Battle Below Zero - Ghost Hawk and Cobra W.O.L.F. Vehicle & figure Set! Preorders up at theToySource here:
GIJoe - 50th Anniversary - Battle Below Zero Set - Ghost Hawk and Cobra W.O.L.F
TheToySource Restock! We have limited stock of 30th Anniversary Voltron on its way to the warehouse - just in time for the holidays! Preorder yours here:
Voltron - 30th Anniversary Die-Cast Light-Up Set - with Sound and Stand
Now Instock - S.H. MonsterArt's Kiryu Heavy Arms! With included interchangeable parts, Kiryu Heavy Arms can transform into a "High Mobility Type" and "Heavy Arms Type"; and a must-have for all robot & kaiju fans alike! Order yours today at the ToySource:
S.H.MonsterArts - Kiryu Heavy Arms
New Bucks Team Acid Rain figures by Ori-Toy up for preorder! Featuring team leader Bob, and Steel figure - preorder yours at theToySource here:

theToySource - the Source for Acid Rain figures
13. Source Blog Updates!
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! Check out @Peaugh's review for Toyworld's Infinitor, instock now on TFSource here:
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! Check out Kuma Style's Review of Mega Steel's Buster here on TFSource:
NEW SOURCE INTERVIEW! A collection you've all been waiting to see, 'The Toy Store' with added wisdom.
Collector Interview 31 – Michael Kingcaid
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! What happened when a MOSC Fireflight was sent to the AFA, and the whole process was documented?
Making The Grade – Part 1
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! Is he Autobot or Decepticon? Is he Masterpiece or Not? He's Individual, Indefinable, INVISIBLE!
Source Blog | Individual Indefinable Invisible
14. Newest Preorder items at TFsource

15. Newest Instock items at TFsource

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Source Points - TF Source
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