Greetings Sourcefans!
This week we have new preorders for
Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 3 - 6'' - Luke Skywalker w/ Wampa,
Play Arts Kai - DC Comics Batman, Arkham Knight Figures and Marvel Universe Spider-Man,
Xtransbots - MX-II Andras,
Unique Toys - Y-02 - Buzzing,
Fans Toys FT-13 Mercenary,
MP-26 - Masterpiece Road Rage,
Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - 2nd Production Run,
Unique Toys - Ordin - O-04 Siegfried and O-05 Hagen,
Bandai Tamashii, Including Dragonball Z, Robot Spirits, Soul of Chogokin, Mario, Marvel Age of Ultron and more, and
Mega Man X - Designer Series - Mega Man X! We also have new instock items like
Lost Planet 4" Scale Figures Vagabundo and EX Nevec, along with the GTF-13M Evax Vehicle,
Star Wars Black Series 7 - 6'' - Bossk,
Warbotron Sly Strike, Fierce Attack and X-Ray,
Platinum Edition - Trypticon - G1 Reissue,
Platinum Edition - Autobot Intell Ops Set - Blaster & Perceptor,
Transformers Unite Warriors - TU-03 - Defensor Set w/ Exclusive Groove Figure,
BadCube OTS-04 Wardog,
ToyWorld Combiners - Shinebug, Sideload and Expressway, and
MMC Reformatted - R-09 - Eupatorium the Warrior!
TheToySource's Spring Cleaning Sale Continues with nearly 200 Transformers & 3rd party items up to 75% off! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!

In this issue of SourceNews:
Now up for preorder - Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 3 - 6'' - Luke Skywalker w/ Wampa!
New Preorders up for 3A/ThreeZero products at the ToySource!
New preorders up - Play Arts Kai - DC Comics Batman, Arkham Knight Figures and Marvel Universe Spider-Man!
Now Instock - Lost Planet Figures and Vehicles!
New Preorder up: Beast Kingdom Toys' Egg Attack - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Iron Man Mark 43!
New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up!
TruForce Collectibles bring a strong first release with their Mega Man X figure!
Now Instock - Warbotron Sly Strike, Fierce Attack and X-Ray!
Now up for preorder - Takara Tomy Mall Exclusive UW-03 Defensor w/ Groove!
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Wave 3 - Instock Next Week!
New preorder up - X-transbots Andras!
Now Instock - BadCube OTS-04 Wardog!
Now Instock - ToyWorld Combiners - Shinebug, Sideload and Expressway!
Now Instock - MMC Warrior - R-09 Eupatorium!
New reveal from Fans Toys - FT-13 Mercenary!
Now up for preoder - MP-26 Masterpiece Road Rage!
New Unique Toys Preorders Up!
1. Now up for preorder - Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 3 - 6'' - Luke Skywalker w/ Wampa!
Now up for preorder - Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 3 - 6'' - Luke Skywalker w/ Wampa! Luke comes in Hoth garb and complete with his lightsaber - preorders up here:
Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 3 - 6'' - Luke Skywalker w/ Wampa
Now Instock - Star Wars Black Series 7 - 6'' - Bossk! Order yours here:
Star Wars Black Series 7 - 6'' - Bossk
Now instock at the ToySource - Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 2 - Han Solo w/ Tauntaun & Speederbike! While these Tauntaun may not keep you warm, at least they don't have the odor they're known for! Availalbe by the sealed case or separately at the ToySource:
Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 2 - 6'' - Han Solo w/ Tauntaun
2. New Preorders up for 3A/ThreeZero products at the ToySource!
Transformers, Breaking Bad, Dragon Age Inquisition, Robocop, & more available for Preorder! Check them out here:

theToySource - Your Source for 3A/ThreeZero!
3. New preorders up - Play Arts Kai - DC Comics Batman, Arkham Knight Figures and Marvel Universe Spider-Man!
New preorders up - Play Arts Kai - DC Comics Batman, Arkham Knight Figures and Marvel Universe Spider-Man! Preorder these figures and more from Play Arts Kai here:
Play Arts Kai - DC Comics - Batman designed by Tetsuya Nomura
Play Arts Kai - Batman: Arkham Knight - Batman
Play Arts Kai - Batman: Arkham Knight - Harley Quinn
Play Arts Kai - Batman: Arkham Knight - Robin
Play Arts Kai - Marvel Universe - Spider-Man
4. Now Instock - Lost Planet Figures and Vehicles!
Now Instock - Lost Planet Figures and Vehicles! You can now pick up Lost Planet 4" Scale Figures Vagabundo and EX Nevec, along with the GTF-13M Evax Vehicle. You can check out all of the Lost Planet items on theToySource here:
Lost Planet - 4'' Scale Vehicle - GTF-13M Evax
Lost Planet - 4'' Figure - Vagabundo
Lost Planet - 4'' Figure - EX Nevec
5. New Preorder up: Beast Kingdom Toys' Egg Attack - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Iron Man Mark 43!
New Preorder up: Beast Kingdom Toys' Egg Attack - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Iron Man Mark 43! The Mark 43 includes 30 points of articulation, full-body engraving, working LEDs in the head & Arc Reactor, interchangeable hands & thruster accessories, and display stand! Preorder yours today at the ToySource:
Egg Attack - Avengers: Age Of Ultron - Iron Man Mark 43
6. New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up!
New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up! We've put up a bunch of new preorders from Bandai Tamashii! Robot Spirits, Saint Seiya Cloth, S.H. Figuarts, FiguartsZERO, Soul of Chogokin and More! Check them out here:
theToySource - Your Source for Bandai Tamashii figures and accessories!

Tamashii Buddies - Sailor Jupiter and Mercury
The DBZ collection continues with Ultimate Gohan! Ultimate Gohan is based on his appearance in the Buu Saga, clad in the classic orange & blue gi worn by his father! He also features a special energy effect, alternate hands & face parts, and a special stage & support parts for the energy effect! Preorder yours today at the ToySource:
S.H. Figuarts - Dragon Ball - Ultimate Gohan
Two new preorders available at the ToySource: Golden Frieza & Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku! Preorder these & other DBZ figures today:
S.H. Figuarts - Dragon Ball - Golden Frieza
S.H. Figuarts - Dragon Ball - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku
We have two more preorders up for fans of S.H. Figuarts Super Mario: Fire Mario & Diorama Set D! Fire Mario includes Mario, Fire Flower, Fireball, alternate hand - holding a fireball, and display stand! Each set shown can be combined with others, to form an even larger display; including Bricks, "?" Blocks, Warp Pipes, Coins, enemies, & more! Preorder these & other Super Mario sets at the ToySource here:
S.H. Figuarts - Super Mario - Fire Mario
S.H. Figuarts - Super Mario - Diorama Playset D
New preorder up - Movie Realization S.H. Figuarts Darth Vader! Preorder yours here:
S.H. Figuarts - Movie Realization - Samurai General Darth Vader
Also up for preorder - S.H. Figuarts - Movie Realization - Stormtrooper Foot Soldier (Early Release)! Order yours here:
S.H. Figuarts - Movie Realization - Stormtrooper Foot Soldier (Early Release)
7. TruForce Collectibles bring a strong first release with their Mega Man X figure!
TruForce Collectibles bring a strong first release with their Mega Man X figure! Mega Man X features die-cast armor, LED functionality in his X Buster, swappable face & hands, customizable effect parts, & over 30 articulation points! Preorder yours at the ToySource today:
Mega Man X - Designer Series - Mega Man X
8. Now Instock - Warbotron Sly Strike, Fierce Attack and X-Ray!
Now Instock - Warbotron Sly Strike, Fierce Attack and X-Ray! Order yours here along with other Figures from Warbotron:
Warbotron - WB01-C - Sly Strike
Warbotron - WB01-E - Fierce Attack
Warbotron - WB01-F X-Ray & Gun Set
9. Now up for preorder - Takara Tomy Mall Exclusive UW-03 Defensor w/ Groove!
Now up for preorder - Takara Tomy Mall Exclusive UW-03 Defensor w/ Groove! $159.99 each - preorders up here:
Transformers Unite Warriors - TU-03 - Defensor Set w/ Exclusive Groove Figure
10. Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Wave 3 - Instock Next Week!
We will be receiving a portion of our stock of
Generations Combiner Wars Wave 3 next week. Barring any delays due to the holiday, the rest of the wave 3 items will be in soon after.

TheToySource - Your Source for Generations Combiner Wars!
Now up for preorder - Combiner Wars Legends Wave 4 - including Rodimus & Skywarp! Preorder yours here:
Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Legends Series 4 set of 4
Now up for Preorder - Japanese Legends Ultra Magnus! An updated photo of LG-14 Ultra Magnus - looks like he will include Alpha Trion with the Japanese version! Preorders:
Transformers Legends Series - LG14 Ultra Magnus
11. New preorder up - X-transbots Andras!
New preorder up - X-transbots Andras! Lock in early bird pricing if you preorder by 6/10 and save $10. Preorders here:
Xtransbots - MX-II Andras
Now up for preorder - Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - 2nd Production Run! Order yours here:
Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - 2nd Production Run
12. Now Instock - BadCube OTS-04 Wardog!
New preorder up - BadCube OTS-04 Wardog! Highly articulated and MP scaled, this guy is HUGE! Update from BadCube, you'll want to check out the arsenal that comes with this guy! Huge photo gallery and preorder yours at TheToySource here:
BadCube OTS-04 Wardog
13. Now Instock - ToyWorld Combiners - Shinebug, Sideload and Expressway!
Now Instock - ToyWorld Combiners - Shinebug, Sideload and Expressway! Order yours here:
ToyWorld - TW-T04 Expressway
ToyWorld - TW-T05 Shinebug
ToyWorld - TW-T06 Sideload
14. Now Instock - MMC Warrior - R-09 Eupatorium!
Now instock - R-09 Eupatorium the warrior! R-10 Salvia Prominon the Saint is back up for preorder! Order yours here:
Reformatted - R-09 - Eupatorium the Warrior
Reformatted - R-10 - Salvia Prominon the Saint
TheToySource Spring Cleaning Sale Featured Items: Reformatted - R-08 - Azalea the Avenger and R-08Z - Zinnia Parapax Medic! Save over $9.99 on each figure here:
Reformatted - R-08 - Azalea the Avenger
Was $59.99 -
Sale Price $50.00!
Reformatted - R-08Z - Zinnia Parapax Medic
Was $59.99 -
Sale Price $50.00!

TheToySource's Spring Cleaning Sale continues with nearly 200 Transformers & 3rd party items up to 75% off! Check the sale out here:
TheToySource Spring Cleaning Sale
Now up for Preorder - MMC Grandus Hexatron! Mastermind Creations brings us a limited edition release of R-01G Grandus Hexatron! The figure features new sculpting for the robot & beast mode heads, new chest wings & badge, and a metallic finish! Preorder yours here:
R-01G - Grandus Hexatron
15. New reveal from Fans Toys - FT-13 Mercenary!
New reveal from Fans Toys - FT-13 Mercenary! FT13 Mercenary will have diecast parts on chest and robot feet. And it will come with optional chest cover and insection feet, same as FT12 Grenadier. Early Bird Pricing - Preorder by 6/30 to lock in early bird pricing and save $8! Preorders up here:
Fans Toys FT-13 Mercenary
Just revealed - Fans Toys FT-07 Stomp! Preorder yours now at TheToySource here:
FansToys FT-07 Stomp - Iron Dibots No.4
Big news from fans toys - they are going to try to release both Sever and Tesla simultaneously next month! Preorders:
FansToys FT-09 - Tesla
FansToys FT-06 Sever - Iron Dibots No.3
16. Now up for preoder - MP-26 Masterpiece Road Rage!
Now up for preoder - MP-26 Masterpiece Road Rage! Includes mini twincast Boombox for $74.99 each - preorders up at TheToySource here:
MP-26 - Masterpiece Road Rage
TheToySource Restock: MP-11SW Skywarp! Likely final stock on this guy, includes the collectors coin!
MP-11SW - Masterpiece Skywarp
Also back instock - MP-11 Starscream with Coronation Crown & Cape! Order yours at TheToySource here:
MP-11 - Masterpiece Starscream - Coronation Set - Asia Exclusive Reissue
Now up for Preorder - MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe - Lambor - Asia Exclusive Reissue! Preorder yours here:
MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe - Lambor - Asia Exclusive Reissue
TakaraTomy announces the Zoids Masterpiece - MPZ-01 Shield Liger figure! The MPZ-01 Shild Liger features an electronic walking feature, sound clips, and light-up features! For more details, check out the video on the item's TheToySource listing! Preorder yours today at TheToySource:
Zoids Masterpiece - MPZ-01 Shield Liger
17. New Unique Toys Preorders Up!
Now up for preorder and renamed: Unique Toys - Y-02 - Buzzing! Find more details and preorder here:
Unique Toys - Y-02 - Buzzing
At long last the mighty Ordin is revealed! Preorders now up for the final two figures, order yours at TheToySource here:
Unique Toys - Ordin
Unique Toys - Ordin - O-04 Siegfried
Unique Toys - Ordin - O-05 Hagen
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