Outrageous. The figures look great but they were pushing too far at $50.00 for a basic figure, 2 heads and set of hands. Oh and now they want a $100.00 for 3 heads and a soft goods robe/covering? Laughable! I understand that they're a smaller company and its harder for them, but there's nothing here at ALL to justify that price point.
I've all in support for Cursed Dead particularly after catching a recent talk Phil and Adam did with part of the ACBA crew (definitely watch if you haven't already!), great fun rapport and laughs abundent! Take aways, these guys have alot of toy design/ making experience, and are really passionate about what they created with Cursed dead! I decided not only to back it but double down. Also glad the BBTS is offering pre-orders, making it easier to pay for some of them later on (especially for the pricier figures :D) .
Here's hoping this get's backed, especially now that it's on BBTS, also hoping to see photos of the accessories and packaging once available (the design ideas Phil shared are super sick).
I would only be interested in The Fly figure, but not $100 interested. It is a shame because it looks really cool.
21 minutes ago, misterclown said:I understand they are a small company, and things may cost more, but I am priced out.
This will be the reason most people are out, and why these figures don't actually come to fruition ultimately, it's a shame indeed but they are alienating most collectors by having such a big price point, and especially when these re-use the same body for every figure, you'd think costs would be a ton lower.
17 minutes ago, misterclown said:Also, I just looked and they still don't have funding on Kickstarter. Does this mean they are going ahead anyway ?
Nope..it's still a crowdfunder, will be cancelled on BBTS if it doesn't fully get backed.
Additional DetailsCrowdfund DisclaimerThis is a crowdfunded project. If the project fails to fully fund, the items may not be produced and pre-orders may be canceled.
Also, I just looked and they still don't have funding on Kickstarter. Does this mean they are going ahead anyway ?
I really want that Krankle figure, but I can't justify spending that much on a figure. I understand they are a small company, and things may cost more, but I am priced out. It is ashame because I really like Christmas based figures.
I agree. These look very nice but that price point on any type of figure that I believe is for an unlicensed property is a complete non-starter.
I would buy these figures, but not at those price points, sorry, these don't seem worth the asking price, they are pretty basic and from what I can see they share the same buck, how is a few acceesories and cloth goods making these "deluxes" 100 $, sorry double the price of the already asking too much at 50 for a figure like this....
Like what I see, but way too overzealous price tags.