I would only be interested in The Fly figure, but not $100 interested. It is a shame because it looks really cool.
21 minutes ago, misterclown said:I understand they are a small company, and things may cost more, but I am priced out.
This will be the reason most people are out, and why these figures don't actually come to fruition ultimately, it's a shame indeed but they are alienating most collectors by having such a big price point, and especially when these re-use the same body for every figure, you'd think costs would be a ton lower.
17 minutes ago, misterclown said:Also, I just looked and they still don't have funding on Kickstarter. Does this mean they are going ahead anyway ?
Nope..it's still a crowdfunder, will be cancelled on BBTS if it doesn't fully get backed.
Additional DetailsCrowdfund DisclaimerThis is a crowdfunded project. If the project fails to fully fund, the items may not be produced and pre-orders may be canceled.
Also, I just looked and they still don't have funding on Kickstarter. Does this mean they are going ahead anyway ?
I really want that Krankle figure, but I can't justify spending that much on a figure. I understand they are a small company, and things may cost more, but I am priced out. It is ashame because I really like Christmas based figures.
I agree. These look very nice but that price point on any type of figure that I believe is for an unlicensed property is a complete non-starter.
I would buy these figures, but not at those price points, sorry, these don't seem worth the asking price, they are pretty basic and from what I can see they share the same buck, how is a few acceesories and cloth goods making these "deluxes" 100 $, sorry double the price of the already asking too much at 50 for a figure like this....
Like what I see, but way too overzealous price tags.