I'm sure you wouldn't have to pay the MSRP on ebay, i've never had to pay full price for any of these figures except of course for the original Hal since he was the hot to trot one after the release.....
Everybody knows what a fan of this line I've been, but I'm rethinking the 13" line big time. The SRP was $50 back in 2006....and now, just two years later, it's $90?? Looks like I'll be starting to get picky with which ones I buy. Might unload some of the ones I have as well as I won't be a completist anymore.
Put this on the order form. The detail on the face looks great. Looks like DC went with a new body style for Sinestro. This is going to look fantastic next to GL or the other villains. Keep 'em coming DC Direct. I've said it once and I'll say it again- I want the Teen Titans!
I think DC will eventually get to them. DC Direct seems to be making a commitment to produce these 13" figures on a regular basis. Slowly but surely the entire DC Universe is going to be reproduced in 13" figure form. I still remember when DC Direct launched the Planet Krypton souvenier prop(s) program. That didn't go very far, but these figures seem to be coming out every month or so. I could care less about the movie related figures, but I love the DC Universe ones.