I have to get that superfriends 3 pack.Hopefully one day they will make an El Dorado, WonderTwins, FIrestorm Ronnie Raymond, and Rima figures. El Dorado was one of my favorites because I am Mexican-American and thought it was so cool to have a Mexican superhero when I was a kid. Sure he was stereotypical, but I loved his costume and his MANY MANY powers!
I would love to see ALL of the Superfriends in the 6" line. How cool would that be? It is definately possible since we already have a Batman Beyond.
I like the way you think! I'd be all over them if they went and did up the rest of the SuperFriends DCUC-style! I'm hoping that since they went with the 3-pack, that it is some kind of test outting for the real deal. I mean, c'mon! Who would be a more appropriate BAF than Apache Chief?!? And I could easily see the Wonder Twins as a 2 1/2 pack (with Gleek). Though that might be relegated to MattyOnline just because of lack of demand.
And, of course, if you get them, you HAVE to have El Dorado!
So are we in a way getting an unmasked batman again? You could hopefully do a head swap.
Man that Joker looks to be the classic version. It looks super sweet. I love how this line pays great homage to the Super Powers line (My favorite of all time) its like they take the classics into the modern style. AWESOME
I dun buy the DCIC toys, but boy l want that 30 inch antimonitor fig. Hope they sell that toy rather than havin it only as a raffle. Looks to have the normal dcsh poa.
In case no one mentioned it, Mattel said they will not be selling that 30 inch Anti-Monitor. He will only be available at the raffle, either 1 or 2 a day. They are having each one hand made and hand painted. It would be far too expensive to mold, they said. And it did not have elbows or knees so it has less articulation than DCUC but the same, I guess, as JLU.
I have to get that superfriends 3 pack.
Hopefully one day they will make an El Dorado, WonderTwins, FIrestorm Ronnie Raymond, and Rima figures. El Dorado was one of my favorites because I am Mexican-American and thought it was so cool to have a Mexican superhero when I was a kid. Sure he was stereotypical, but I loved his costume and his MANY MANY powers!
I would love to see ALL of the Superfriends in the 6" line. How cool would that be? It is definately possible since we already have a Batman Beyond.
if im wrong for this, then wheeljack can slap me silly until wave 9 hits in his area.(damn...that my be forever)(lol) but heres a link to a youtube vid of them showing the new joker fig. when they show it, pause it. he has a mallet, playing cards, and an open "laughing" mouth expression. its obviously a gentleman ghost kit bash, but its damned good, and much needed.
mattel needs to start giving us the vehicles that go with these characters. i already have a lobo with no bike, now steppenwolf wont have his hover bike either.
Man oh man....Steppenwolf was like my all-time favorite Super Powers figure. A DCUC version of that figure would be soooooo awesome.
I find myself curious, though. Right now it looks like DCUC is running an even mix of: JLA/"A-Listers", JSA, and New Gods/"Kirby" figures. I only have one question....
When are they gonna start working the Legion into the mix?!?
Ok, that sounds better. The Question won some poll, and will be released as a DCUC figure this year, am I right?
Given that the leaked Walmart list for future waves was correct, I'm guessing that is also true. And Steppenwolf is coming out as well along with Forager and a few others.
Ok, that sounds better. The Question won some poll, and will be released as a DCUC figure this year, am I right?