Good point Pooda.
These aren't out yet? I got the Clayface poo splattered Bats set over a month ago!
why? didnt you say that DCUC is trash?
These are the Batman figures released by Mattel since DCSH came to:
That's the same head as DCUC wave 1 just black.
I may be alone here, the one saving grace of the clay splattered Bats is his face sculpt. Not the same as the DCSH black & Grey version, and not as cartoony as the DCUC wave 1. And While that is a nice version of Brainiac, I really want the Brainiac 13 version. The DC Direct one was fantastic but with crappy articualtion. They need make a re-lease of that.
the Ed Benes version owuld be nice as well.
I will definitely be on the look-out for these.
Some e-tailers got the Clayface pack but not the Supes. TRU will get them in August.
These aren't out yet? I got the Clayface poo splattered Bats set over a month ago!
I got this at botcon and LOVE it (the batman/clayface).
Can't wait for the brainiac
The mud splatters and red eyes are keeping me from picking these up.Just sell the figures you don't want on Ebay. Or buy the Clayface and Brainiac by themselves on Ebay.
Personally, while I prefer Mattel's figures most of the time, I think DC Direct's upcoming "History of the DCU" figure of Brainiac looks better than this one. I'll get both, though, it's one of those silly classic designs I've always liked.
i dont want the bats, but it cant hurt to have him. its not like youre getting the exact same version of a batman that you already have.